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VW's 'Clear Out' Policy

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Went in to VW today to get a few bits and got talking to the parts guy. He was telling me the stuff they throw away is ridiculous. Two years ago they had a massive clearout and threw away tens of thousands of pounds worth of old stock that had been on the shelves for too long. He had to break it all before it went in the bin- including Corrado headlamps, Golf GTI grilles etc etc. He said that VW paid them for the stock, but insisted that it be disposed of.


What's wrong with VW?!!!! This is just sheer wastefullness, especially as so many parts are going obsolete.


On a brighter note he gave me 20% discount today! It's usually 10-17% 8)

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I think all VW parts have a 2 year warranty, I'd imagine even the most robust parts items have a 'shelf life' after which date the part shouldn't be sold, even if it's a catch all '5 year' for example.

I can see why they wouldn't want 'old' parts getting onto the market, mainly to simply remove the 'potential' for problems/bad press, but in reality we know most items keep for decades in a dark parts bin, it is a total waste of perfectly usable parts though in most cases, especially obselete or hard to find items.

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Might write to my MP to see if they want to raise it as an issue in this day and age of environmental obsession..

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Yeh, seems to fly in the face of environmental policy, and the current worldwide money problems. He said he had to smash the lights up with a hammer and snap the grilles in half :shock: :(

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Might write to my MP to see if they want to raise it as an issue in this day and age of environmental obsession..


shouldn't bother, they think subsidising the crushing of perfectly serviceable cars is a good idea, although there's no money left to do that again, thank god.

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Madness! There's a business opportunity in there somewhere - anybody fancy going into the Dragons Den with me? £50,000 for 20% of the business :)


It also amazes me that after all these years of buying bits from VW they have not once written to me about new models or parts offers - very arrogant approach to the customer in my opinion.

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It also amazes me that after all these years of buying bits from VW they have not once written to me about new models or parts offers - very arrogant approach to the customer in my opinion.


Difficult one that, if they did carpet bomb everyone with leaflets they may be accused of unenvironmental spamming.........

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It is a joke how some dealerships opertate and why they would want to get rid of perfectly good stock is beyond me especially given that VW seem to always want to put prices up on older stock as i found today when the ignition switch varied from £17-29 at 3 dealers.



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