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Buyer beware!

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Hubby has an S2 and he pointed me towards this on the S2 forum:


It's gut wrenching honestly and yet another lesson to us all to be careful with our pride and joy (s).

I don't know if the guy who is responsible for all the crap is still trading or if the police did eventually catch up with him and throw away the key (as they should!) and I know he was predominantly an Audi guy, but I just thought I'd post this here as a warning. Stay away from a guy called Corey Jones if he has anything to do with anything car-related. Nothing good can come of it.

There are some real :censored: in this world :(

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Jesus H. The guy sounds like a complete piece of sh!t. I hope they find him and rip him to pieces.



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:shock: read through it all what a complete :censored: thats the sort off t##t that would benefit from a serious kickin .

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I remember the same thing happening last year with a Mitubishi Evo 'Tuner', they took tens of thousands of pounds worth of parts from customers modified cars whilst the unaware owners were handing over their hard earned for work to be carried out!! :pale:


One guy got his pride and joy back as a shell.


The front some folks have!!

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Apparently the police dawn-raided his gaff with a helichopper and everything!I hope he gets the book thrown at him.

I can't begin to imagine how that poor guy must feel, to see your pride and joy reduced to basically a rear end. I would have ended up doing jail time myself if it were my car, don't think I could've kept my hands off him.

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That thread has been running for ten months. The trader involved seems to have been closed down a long long time ago, but it's only recently that he's had his collar taken.


All this is a lesson to the rest of us. Try and use trusted, recommended suppliers where possible. Try and use someone within travelling distance if possible, and certainly never be stupid enough to send a trader anything like a set of calipers as a deposit in the circumstances outlined by one of those posters. I have to say the terms on which Mr Jones was prepared to do business to new customers should have set warning signals off somewhere.


Also the guy who had to recover the stripped out S2... absolutely no way I would have left a car with someone for as long as that without paying it a visit. I'm sorry, but that's just common sense. If the guy had been stalling me for as long as that I'd have been visiting with the heavy mob or a court injunction (or Trading Standards, or a solicitor) before a year had even passed.


Reading between the lines of the more recent updates, I would hazard a guess that Jones is facing a good stretch. All we've read is about the customers he ripped off, but there's references to vehicle Id fraud, and you can be sure that if he's been ripping his customers and doing fraud then he's probably being investigated by HMRC too. The Police don't like vehicle fraudsters very much, and HMRC will screw him financially. I'd guess the RS6 has already been taken as part payment on a proceeds of crime order.

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