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RIP dragon green 2l 16v Volkswagen Corrado, 1993-2010

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RIP dragon green Volkswagen Corrado, 1993-2010. Broken into on Tuesday 7th September by heartless thugs and then to be written off by insurers. It gave me so much joy, unreliability debt but most importantly love for this future classic.

This was my first Corrado after a love affair since the age of 9, (now 22) when I first spotted one. From then on I always wanted to own one and bought this 1993 (103,000 miles on clock) then the head gaskett went, whole front suspension replaced, continuous idling problems-all repairs carried out by a cowboy mobile mechanic-the biggest mistake of my life and costing me a total of £1500 spent on jobs which were completely done wrong with damaging effects on both the car and my bank account! I took the car to Deutsch Tech-- a german car specialist in Glasgow who gave her some tlc and it was then they announced just how badly this mechanic had messed up for example the head needed skimmed, timing re-done and he had also broke two of the crankshaft bolts two and never told me. Numerous other jobs were done too. When I tried to get in touch with him to negotiate money back he ignored my calls etc. If things couldn't go any worse, they did. It must have been very late on Monday evening the Corrado was broken into. My windows were smashed, fuses hanging out as they had tried to hot wire her but my battery was dead. I reported this to the insurance company who have been advised by the assessors that the car is a right off. I am devastated. This project has kept me busy for months and despite all the cars problems, I wanted to get this car restored and would have kept it for a few years. I am likely to get a some money back from my insurers so shall begin the search for a 2l 16v once this has cleared. Wish me luck this time!

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Gutted :(


However, if it is any consolation, the £1500 worth of work was done recently, I believe you can claim for that back too from your insurer.

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What a total nightmare :( Always hurts to hear that one of these has been taken from the hands of an enthusiast owner and been not only ruined by a cowboy mechanic, but then has the final nail in the coffin put in by yobs looking for a quick thrill.


Good luck on your find for a new one!

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Sorry to hear about this :( .......where abouts do you live?.....You could maybe buy it back from the insurance company(you'd probably get it fairly cheap) and repair it?

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best of luck with sortin this out , as i have said with other threads where nobrainers have ruined someones car .....oh to catch em doin it personaly if i caught em i would kick the :censored: out of em no question , you f##k with someones property you get whats comin to you end of .

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gutted for you! f#cking w#nkers :mad2:


but, alas, every cloud etc, now you can start from fresh with a blank canvas.

And having the experiance behind you of what to look out for when both buying a new one and also running it :norty:


I reckon your love will be even greater to get back in the drivers seat of one and be cruise'n down the road with your fav tune on smiling away...... :salute:

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That looks nice. I'd be tempted by that.... but I don't need 3... who on earth would want/need 3 Corrados???

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