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Opinions required on DVLA issue

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In December 2008 i bought a non running car off my one of my best mates brothers with a view to sell it on or keep it as runabout.

We didnt fill out the log book as we knew each other and i didnt want to add another owner if i was to sell it on.

I bought the car and taxed it before it was recovered back to mine.

The tax ran out on 31/05/09 after which i subsequently SORNED it as it was never fixed, date of renewing SORN was 01/06/2010.

I decided not to repair the car but to sell it on as scrap.

The dealer who bought it filled out yellow slip and took remainder of log book and the yellow slip sent off to DVLA by me.

July 2010 Registered keeper (mates brother) gets letters from DVLA threatning to fine him for untaxed vehicle.

We both send correspondance to DVLA telling them i had car from Dec 2008 and it was sold in Jan 2010 given name and address of company who bought it, sent them email, fax and letters of this issue.

DVLA saying they have no record of this and have passed this fine to the debt recovery company who threaten the previous registered keeper.

Now im being chased by my friends brother saying i am responsible for the fine and the blame lies with me as i didnt follow the correct procedures and is passing on my details to DVLA the debt collection agency etc.

I offered to halfs on the fine with him although its neither of our faults that DVLA didnt recieve the yellow slip or they didnt bother to take his details off the vehicle.

Any advice would be appreciated

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If the DVLA never got the yellow slip and you dont have a copy of it or any other proof you sold it to the scrap dealer then it doesnt sound like there's much you can do. However the dealer must keep a record of what he scraps/crushes etc? Or is the car still in existence? If so then I guess you need to agree with the DVLA and the dealer who has legal ownership and get it agreed as scrapped.

Regarding the fine, you're pretty much both to blame for that even if the only reason its been found out is because of the yellow slip issue. If your mates brother didnt want the risk he shouldnt have agreed not to add an owner to the car. I cant see how that would have been a big deal on a car that was potentially scrappable anyway! He should go halves with you though yeah.

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The seller is required through law to fill in the new owners details and send it onto the DVLA, as you agreed not to do this then you are really going to struggle to get the DVLA to look into the scraping properly.


As for who is responsible its' your mate brother who will have to pay the fine as he didn't fill in the transfer slip and post it on. But it would be harsh of you to not pay half given the circumstances.

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