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Boot water leak

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Hi there, I don't know if it's the corret place for this thread...



I've found that, under rain or car-washing, the boot ends up like a swimming pool :gag:


I don't know where it's coming from but I thought that maybe you could tell me the "usual" seals/etc that usually fail?




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Mine had a small leak around the spoiler "gasket" not where the spoiler goes through,but where the rubber gasket is screwed to the boot. I just took the spoiler off,undid the two screws,lifted the gasket off,cleaned area,and used some gasket sealer !(silicone) All cured ,5-10 minutes :D

Rubber gasket obsolete :(

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Boot seal, spoiler mounts, light cluster seals and that's about it.


Sent from my HTC Desire

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hey, thanks for these quick replies :D


I had the badge holes leak some time ago, but since I shaved them, that's been fixed.


Tail lights aren't leaking as I also had this problem before :lol: and sealed them propperly


I'll have a look at the spoiler seals :o



I'm also thinking about roof stripes draining pipes maybe?

Or rear side "windows" leaking maybe?

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best bet, remove boot carpets, fold rear seats down, dry boot as best as you can, with a torch get in the boot, and get some with a hose spray the tailgate area and check for a leak. seal, repair leak and re-test.

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you could also remove everything, dust with talcum and then use your hose. You'll see the water tracks pretty quick.

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using talcum sounds really good, thanks!


I'll start on both of the spoiler rubber seals tomorrow. thanks!!!

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Had the same problem...Noticed a puddle of water had collected in the boot a few days back but couldn not work out where it was coming from....So today noticed a heavy downpour I ran to my car like a mad man. Folded my rear seat back and laid there in the boot in wait :)


Sure enough there it was. Leak coming through at the rear driver side corrado badge lug area. Gonna seal this area good and proper when I get a chance.

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I found that the p/s spoiler seal was bended and so allowing water in. The wires of the fog and back-gear lights were rusted due to contact with water. It took me 2 hrs to remove the seal as one of the nuts had been rounded :sleeping: so I had to drill it out, replace, and seal the seal with silicone :norty:



I checked tail lights + plate number surround + badge holes for leaks and found they were OK.





I'll continue with the investigation this afternoon.



thank you all for the ideas :wave:

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right, it looks like spoiler seals didn't like the silicone I gave them :( so I've used underseal instead :norty:



I'll come back in a few days as it's going to rain all weekend ...

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  fla said:
check the badges.


I second that! Some idiot had stuck my badges on with tape. The VW emblem was dripping but it was p1ssing in through the large Corrado badge. I took the whole lot off and cleaned it up and purchased 6 x 191 853 615A blind grommets from VW any £0.41 each. I pushed these into the holes and popped the badges back and would you believe it, no more leaks!


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I'll let the underseal dry for a few days. I'm trying to achieve a lower diameter of the "hole" of the spoiler seals, as silicone didn't work for this :eek:



oh, and number plate lights' panel is held by two bolts like these:







so it may leak from there, too :(



what an Idiot owned my car before me :bad-words:

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so today it rained a lot, and water is still getting in the boot. A small amount only, but still getting wet :censored:



Spoiler isn't in the car now and both "holes" are sealed with duct tape :norty:


where else could it be leaking from?


to sum up, I've checked:



-spoiiler seals (holes)


-tail lights

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I used some silicone in order to fix the spoiler seals leak and it seems to be fixed now 8)


thank you all!!

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Here's a weird one,found water in my offside rear light lens !

Stripped the light off,checked lens for cracks, holes etc,seemed a little water "tracking" in the top seal, cleaned seal and boot aperture,before re fitting,hopefully all sorted

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