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Missing heater matrix???

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Right since owning my VR it's never had a heater matrix for some reason. In the engine bay where the hoses were using leading to the engine and coolant piping etc theres just the 2 flanges left sticking out.


My question is why has the matrix been totally removed and not just replaced?? I intend on ripping the dash out and replacing the heater matrix with a new one since its freezing now.


I wonder if the old heater matrix is still in there and they've just bypassed all the hoses etc to stop the car overheating etc rather than having to remove the dash etc.


Both Corrado's i've owned it seems im always fixing the things people haven't done properly or haven't done at all :confused4: :confused4:

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when you say its never had a heater matrix what do you mean? the 2 flanged pipes that stick through are part of the matrix itself so if they are there then the matrix is there.


you've basically answered your own question but if the coolant pipes have just been connected together then the matrix has clearly failed and the previous owner just couldn't be arsed to fix it. you bypass the hoses to keep the car running otherwise all your coolant will end up around your feet rather than in the engine.

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Sorry Shouldve explained better. I mean it's never had a heater matrix since I've owned it. In the engine bay the pipe flanges are just bare and there's no hoses attached at all


So would that suggest the matrix has been removed then? If so I can't understand why they wouldnt have just put a new one in

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Ah right thanks guys. Those flanges on the matrix is what's left sticking out the engine bay so the matrix mustve just given up


Looks like dash out then and new matrix

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Bit of free advise! Don't buy a cheap matrix! Mines crap, hardly any heat now and the heater smells so bad I try and avoid using it!!!


I'm going to replace it with a genuine next year.

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i believe that gsf also sell the valeo ones that vw have, but for about 1/4 of the price of vw - worth checking first.

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