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Rocker cover gasget question

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I ordered a new rocker cover gasket for the plastic type cover, then saw and bought a metal one from ebay and wondered if the gaskets are the same? I would think so?

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I managed to get there in the end with tps, they just said the rocker covers were all the same, so I had to educate him on certain cars, for eg the passat vr6 may have had them fitted.... He first said passats dont do a vr6 then I had to ask him to click the rocker cover part and check the part numbers of whats listed for mine against the passat and hey presto, he said they were different. So I have a new rocker cover, in the plastic bag with part number for a plastic rocker cover for sale. Will post it later.


The metal rocker cover is a flat gasket on top than apposed to a lip that slots into the platsic rocker cover. If anyone wanst part numbers on both, let me know.

P.S The bolts are also different that hold the rocker cover down to the plastic ones as they have a larger plastic washer and dont fit through the hole so had to get hold of 10 vw bolts, quick call to a friend mechanic, at midnight and he was in the garage working and had a full set, free of charge.. Happy days.

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