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The prices of 2nd hand parts!!!!

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Just as a thought on this subject: if anyone does have any questions over the price or availibility of Corrado parts then drop the info to me in a PM and I will check the availibility with VW (I work in TPS so have access to VW stock levels). I'd hate to see anyone get ripped off over a part that may be still available cheaper brand new from a dealer!



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Brilliant :) Or, alternatively, we could just run a sticky thread in Suppliers, if you'd be happy to monitor it?

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Yup, that would be fine if you want to start it.


Can people make sure to include which engine and year the C is that they are trying to get bits for. Cheers!

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perhaps for the common parts there could be a description, VW price and some equivalent alternative suppliers so you can see when VW is cheaper or at least pretty close to others. For example the splitter - £60 or so from GPC vs £120 from VW. Would need to be proper equivalents not cheap crap eg front engine moiunts for a VR not compared with the £20 crud from Euro CP. This would be a dynaic list updated as and when.

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