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anyone crashed in the snow?

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The wife managed to thump a kerb in her rag top beamer causing the rear headrests emergency roll over hoop things to deploy with a heck of a bang. Scared her and my daughter to death! Car is drivable but making "funny noises " on the brakes. I sense another bill coming. Should have got rid in the summer and gone R32 Golf!

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As a bus driver driving every day no matter what weather is can only say few things why people crashing in snow so often. I can see it every day.


1) Many people don't care if its snowing or not, if its icy or not, they are driving in the same speed keeping same very small distance to car in front of them.

2) They don't know how to drive a car when is sliding, they just pressing brake pedal as hard as possible and waiting to stop, sometimes you just need release your break and turn your steering wheel to avoid accident, specially on cars without ABS

3) People overtaking when they cant see what is in front of them, many times myself on the buss up the hill and they suddenly stop because they can't manage to drive further more and car driving down the hill can't stop because is sliding and we have accident - This happened today's morning. Lady driving a audi a3 decided to overtake myself (on big buss) up the hill and she stuck in the middle of my buss right on top of bad hill. From opposite direction another lady was driving down the hill on almost brand new range rover and both cars smash together. Fortunately nobody was injured because speed was not to big but two cars were smashed and road was blocked for long time. Everything before 7AM. Question. Was it worth it ?? Better was to stay behind the buss and be 30s late than injured !!!!


4) I would like to appeal to everybody. Please buy winter tyres and slow down !!!

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My winter tyres are at the tyre centre just need to get spare wheel set or car/current wheels there to get sorted. Hoping for an early stack tomorrow for weather, if that don't work i'm off Thursday 8)

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im all for driving safe but ive just been stuck behind a d**k doing 10mph on a lit, busy and grited 60mph road! And she had the balls to flash me when i over took her. Some people shouldnt be let out. sorry rant over

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There truely are some dangerously over cautious knobs out there. If you're that under-confident don't fecking drive. :mad2:


I had to travel one junction on the M2 this evening but there was a massive tailback to get on it from the A289 so i drove to the next junction and doubled back fearing the motorway itself was chocka but as i got to the junction i would have joined from it was clear :shrug: .


I can only conclude over cautiousness on a wet, gritted, up-sloping on-ramp had slowed traffic to an unnecesary standstill and backed it up 3/4 mile along the A-road :bad-words:

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There truely are some dangerously over cautious knobs out there. If you're that under-confident don't fecking drive. :mad2:


I had to travel one junction on the M2 this evening but there was a massive tailback to get on it from the A289 so i drove to the next junction and doubled back fearing the motorway itself was chocka but as i got to the junction i would have joined from it was clear :shrug: .


I can only conclude over cautiousness on a wet, gritted, up-sloping on-ramp had slowed traffic to an unnecesary standstill and backed it up 3/4 mile along the A-road :bad-words:

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There truely are some dangerously over cautious knobs out there. If you're that under-confident don't fecking drive. :mad2:


I had to travel one junction on the M2 this evening but there was a massive tailback to get on it from the A289 so i drove to the next junction and doubled back fearing the motorway itself was chocka but as i got to the junction i would have joined from it was clear :shrug: .


I can only conclude over cautiousness on a wet, gritted, up-sloping on-ramp had slowed traffic to an unnecesary standstill and backed it up 3/4 mile along the A-road :bad-words:

At least it wasn't some undercautious twat who had crashed killing a few innocent people causing an even longer tailback.

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There truely are some dangerously over cautious knobs out there. If you're that under-confident don't fecking drive. :mad2:


I had to travel one junction on the M2 this evening but there was a massive tailback to get on it from the A289 so i drove to the next junction and doubled back fearing the motorway itself was chocka but as i got to the junction i would have joined from it was clear :shrug: .


I can only conclude over cautiousness on a wet, gritted, up-sloping on-ramp had slowed traffic to an unnecesary standstill and backed it up 3/4 mile along the A-road :bad-words:

At least it wasn't some undercautious twit who had crashed killing a few innocent people causing an even longer tailback.

Thats true, as about a hour later the same bit of road i was on was closed due to a crash! The road is more or less straight and lit up!!

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coming back up the m1 last night and the corrado was feeling very very floaty like! so i was taking it a steady 40 which i could see the traffic infront about 40-50 meters away. i wasnt gaining it and it wasnt getting away from me so i was happy with the speed i was doing. next thing i kno a bmw is next to me overtaking. he pulls back in and everyone starts slowing down infront. he anchors on and it all goes winky wonkey. i thinkhe pulled over after that. the tit!

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Not this year. Last year I span the car 360 degrees down a hill in snow, never even touched the brake pedal either... was crawling in 2nd gear at around 5 mph when I hit what I think was a speed bump, back end went one way, I steered the other, as it straightens up I let go of the wheel so it'll straighten itself and round we went the other way. Fortunately just hit the kerb at the bottom of the hill, but cos of the snow it was only about 2 inches above compacted snow level.


This year it's not been so back, even in the rado which currently has summer tyres on it still (winters are with the courier, too snowy to deliver them, oh the irony). Was a little lairy on the way to work, especially with wide tyres and stiff suspension, a hell of a lot of bump steer, but at one point I managed to get the rear tyres to follow the front ones... Only had one iffy moment where instead of understeering straight on at a bend I managed to turn the front in but the back decided it wanted to go even faster.


That was in about 4 inches of snow... another 8 has fallen throughout the day, so the car is stuck at work, as am I, and the rest of my colleagues... the road from the airport is closed either way, so we're stranded here.

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Back some time in the early 90's I had a beautiful atlas grey mk2 16v... but not the driving skills to go with it. Coming up to a roundabout I misjudged it, braked late, slid on the ice and managed to spin 360 degrees between two lines of traffic... without hitting anything. I wasn't even going particularly fast but just had no experience of driving in those conditions.


I sat there gobsmacked for about a minute while cars shuffled past me.

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Not this year. Last year I span the car 360 degrees down a hill in snow, never even touched the brake pedal either... was crawling in 2nd gear at around 5 mph when I hit what I think was a speed bump, back end went one way, I steered the other, as it straightens up I let go of the wheel so it'll straighten itself and round we went the other way. Fortunately just hit the kerb at the bottom of the hill, but cos of the snow it was only about 2 inches above compacted snow level.


This year it's not been so back, even in the rado which currently has summer tyres on it still (winters are with the courier, too snowy to deliver them, oh the irony). Was a little lairy on the way to work, especially with wide tyres and stiff suspension, a hell of a lot of bump steer, but at one point I managed to get the rear tyres to follow the front ones... Only had one iffy moment where instead of understeering straight on at a bend I managed to turn the front in but the back decided it wanted to go even faster.


That was in about 4 inches of snow... another 8 has fallen throughout the day, so the car is stuck at work, as am I, and the rest of my colleagues... the road from the airport is closed either way, so we're stranded here.


Whereabouts do you work Ben? I've got to try and get to the Northern General now. Not looking forward to it.


We've put the Corrado in the garage out of the way. As has been said previously, I dont like the risk that one little bump could kill it.

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Just took me and hour and half to go 8 miles. Didnt go over 15mph and constant stop start. The Oil temp even went up to 124 degress :?


I work opposite a council gritting depot and saw the trucks going out, but when i got on the road to come home at 11am, the roads where terrible. Not even ploughed! :mad2:


Oh and and a little slide towards the kerb, was only going about 5mph, but lost traction on a cambered bit of road and slid towards the kerb. No damage, luckily the pile a of snow on the edge of the pavement cushioned the impact of the wheels.

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4x4s were getting bored of queues yesterday in Surrey and were taking to the pavements. :cuckoo:


One managed to total a letter box. :epicfail:

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4x4s were getting bored of queues yesterday in Surrey and were taking to the pavements. :cuckoo:


One managed to total a letter box. :epicfail:



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"I dont have to queue with you plebs,Im special I drive a 4x4, get out of my way Im invinsible!!!!!!! " :pukeright:


Tw*ts especially when theres abit of snow.Nothing funnier than seeing a range rover slide into ditch :norty:

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"I dont have to queue with you plebs,Im special I drive a 4x4, get out of my way Im invinsible!!!!!!! " :pukeright:


Tw*ts especially when theres abit of snow.Nothing funnier than seeing a range rover slide into ditch :norty:


Yeah i'm longing to pass one stuck on a hill while i cruise by with my witer Conti's on :lol: cant see that happenin though....

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Very impressed with my G60 a couple of years ago came out from work at about 5pm the road looked wet but unbeknown to me it had started to freeze on the roundabout a few yards down the road, I entered it not going very carefully & was going to take the last exit, as the sideways G started the back wheels let go, more by instinct than anything I took my foot off the throttle & steered slightly into the slide & she corrected herself perfectly. Needless to say I then drove carefully home, never had the back tyres let go like that before, more used to the understeer when applying the horses thro the front wheels.

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"I dont have to queue with you plebs,Im special I drive a 4x4, get out of my way Im invinsible!!!!!!! " :pukeright:


Tw*ts especially when theres abit of snow.Nothing funnier than seeing a range rover slide into ditch :norty:


Yeah i'm longing to pass one stuck on a hill while i cruise by with my witer Conti's on :lol: cant see that happenin though....


No because then I have to deal with said t**t in range rover as he will be complaining that a 15 year old low slung car managed in the snow why can't his 60k 4x4?! Then he will demand to speak to the CEO to demand compensation! Lol!! Pretty much how my job will go in the next few weeks! :(

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I got nice big borbet 9s all round so mine feels pretty safe 8)


Till you hit a curb then, £5-600 down the drain.........


Along with owning an oval shaped set of borbets...


My car is currently frozen, had no anti freeze in her so shes solid as a rock at the moment, im extreamly depressed as i love the snow, bloody evil driving weather, couldnt be more fun....


Black ice on the other hand is a b*st*rd.


Im jealous of all you people who can enjoy this weather....


Also was the bird who took you out with her car fit? would make up for it i supose...


As long as she warmed you up.... aha.

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ahaha i also hate those people with the range rovers who do about 2.5 mph as they only bought the car thinking if they crashed it theyd take evrything else out without injuring themselves....


This is off topic but does anyone here hate Tesco express? buying petty from them is a nightmare, all the dumb ass women in their Porsche Cayennes and Range Rovers going in to do their shopping as soon as you park behind them at the pump, they then take about 20 mins to come out with a bottle of milk.


No way of moving around them as there another 5 dumb ass women in their range rovers blocking you in....


Do i deserve discount for it taking 20 mins to buy £10 of fuel?

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junglist - yep! 100% agreement, its just totally selfish and ignorant. Then it takes them three hours to start the car and move off again. 4wd - hate them with a passion. We have a school right opposite our flat and the 4wd brigade is out in force, totally self-centred and unable to control the vehicles with a devil-may-care attitude. Gets my goat EVERY time. :mad2: :censored: :bad-words:

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junglist - yep! 100% agreement, its just totally selfish and ignorant. Then it takes them three hours to start the car and move off again. 4wd - hate them with a passion. We have a school right opposite our flat and the 4wd brigade is out in force, totally self-centred and unable to control the vehicles with a devil-may-care attitude. Gets my goat EVERY time. :mad2: :censored: :bad-words:


We have a church infants school opposite the end of my road, they drop'em off, pick 'em up for lunch drop'em off again and then collect at the end of the day, sh!te parking skills, and oblivous to anyone else :censored:

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"I got nice big borbet 9s all round so mine feels pretty safe "


Till you hit a curb then, £5-600 down the drain.........


Along with owning an oval shaped set of borbets...


My car is currently frozen, had no anti freeze in her so shes solid as a rock at the moment, im extreamly depressed as i love the snow, bloody evil driving weather, couldnt be more fun....


Black ice on the other hand is a b*st*rd.


Im jealous of all you people who can enjoy this weather....


Also was the bird who took you out with her car fit? would make up for it i supose...


As long as she warmed you up.... aha.


Nothing safe about 9 inch wide wheels in this weather matey, they'll be pants! the narrower the better for this type of climate, unless its a tractor :lol:

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