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so today i got my......

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.....new 280mm brakes fitted on the valver!! :D :clap: :norty: so chuffed, im still running them in but already the difference over the 256mm is incredible! im running, 280 brembo discs and ebc yellow stuff pads, refurbed vr6 calipers and carriers and its crazy the difference made :D

Also on a side note, the bloke in the garage said my car was running incredibly well for a 114,000 year old valver this made me smile big time too.

Random post i know but just so incredibly chuft at the moment haha

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Did the same to mine not long ago, the difference was good but i just had standard standard dicks and pads put on. The 'incredible' difference you're feeling may be the choice of disks and pads.


Aren't yellowstuff for track use? What are they like for stopping at low speeds?

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Aren't yellowstuff for track use? What are they like for stopping at low speeds?


Tried them in a few setups and they were awful at low speeds and temperatures! Defo for track use only, imo, but I did run on them on the road though :D


Only the EBC Greens bite OK at low temps and speeds, but they have a tendency to fall apart.

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Yeah, continuation of the other ebc thread..... I've come to find my ebc greens have slightly better 'bite' than standard pads but do stop quite well indeed when i stand on the pedal.


I'm just praying mine dont fall apart like your previous few kev!

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I've got EBC reds and they are ok at low speeds, but do have a tendency to squeak sometimes. I don't really cane them hard though, I'm quite a conservative braker as you can only brake as well as the person behind you.

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Mine squeak at the moment but i think thats maybe because they're new? Or they could have forgotten to put the vibration plate back in behind them.

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I looked at my reds after some beefy pedal applications and they seemed to be a bit glazed over and crumbly in the centre partition (288 pad type). Bizarre.


I've not known a pad to divide opinion like EBC but the Greens seem to do alright for themselves. They've been revamped a few times now, so hopefully the latest batch won't fall apart like the earlier ones did!

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my mistake, im not really sure why i put down yellow pads as there green but hey ho :cuckoo: the bites so much better than standard, cant wait to get them bedded in so i can put them to some proper use :lol: ill get soem pics in my build thread tommorrow in the daylight

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