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Oil pressure and volt gauges wiring

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Hello all, has anyone wired these up? Its the combined set that ARZ sell, used to be an option on Corrados, just got some, i have already installed the oil pressure sender (0-10 bar) and fed a wire through to the car interior. Then there has to be a negative and postive to allow the volt meter to work, and finally a light source. All of which appear to go in through a socket on the back of the gauge assembly/pod, is there a plug in the centre consul in the existing loom for this optional extra? Or is it a case of making my own loom up?

Cheers Dan

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need to make something up, early cars seem to have some loom in place for the oil pressure but probably not on the VRs

you can take illumination feeds from the cig lighter/ashtray but to get an accurate voltage reading you'll struggle.

problem is the feed needs to be switched by the ignition but if you take a feed from an existing loom wire chances are the voltage will have dropped becasue of the old wiring and connectors, only way to do it accurately would be a new fused feed direct from the battery switched through a relay from a switched feed from the ignition, as it would only be a switching feed you could use anything, piggyback off anything that is ON when the ignition is ON.

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There is a good thread on here somewhere, I found it when wiring mine.


But v quickly, you can take the switched live for the voltmeter from the glovebox light and the illumination from the cig lighter.


Hereis the info you'll need to wire them.

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Cheers for links and info all, as a follow up i tracked the connector part number down that plugs in the back of the gauges, its 1J0 972 704 a flat 4 way connector. I then used female iso connectors in the connector block to give an oem finish to the loom, having piggy backed the live from the glove box light for the 12v for the voltmeter, ran the neg from the earth point above fuse box, the sender wire from the sender (0-10bar) from a t-piece setup on top of the oil filter housing, and piggy backed the light circuit from the ashtray light. All of these were as per the wiring diagram in the Bentley manual. Works a treat i get exactly what the book says on both gauges.

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  dkingvr6 said:
Cheers for links and info all, as a follow up i tracked the connector part number down that plugs in the back of the gauges, its 1J0 972 704 a flat 4 way connector.


Found on mk3 golf interior light panel, thats where i got mine from, 50p from scrappers!

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  dkingvr6 said:
... Works a treat i get exactly what the book says on both gauges.

so what voltage reading do you get, in my experience there's a lot of drop from the battery (engine running) voltage (approx 13.8V)

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Mines wired the same way and reads spot on, checked it against a multimeter directly across the battery terminals. After a run I see the voltmeter dropping to around 13v as you would expect as the battery reaches full charge and the alternator regulator output decreases.

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I have my gauges wired up aside from the pressure transducer that I'll fit at a later date. I tested the gauges tonight and oil pressure shot up - is this cos it's based on resistance from transducer?



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