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where do i stand?

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some bints passenger just slammed her door open on mine, in a shopping centre car park.


i couldnt get over to the car before they had driven off.


i have the number plate BJ09 XLW black a4 cab diesel, not to name and shame of course :lol:


but where do i stand, can i get anything done about it or am i screwed?


left me a dent and two scratches in the paint :(


chased her to the m1 and considdered a police style rear quater pit stop manouevre, but calmed down enough not to do it by then.

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If it was me, i know its maybe a tad too far, but if i saw someone dent/damage my car i'd ring the police and tell them she committed criminal damage and i want her arrested to be very fecking honest. That way she might get the point and offer to repair the car. If not, I hope she gets arrested and charged. Hell, if you can get her arrested for leaving the scene of an accident that'd be even better.


I DESPISE people who think its ok to do that.

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youre not wrong but with todays standard of policing id be more likely to be done for wasting police time sadly.


plus it was her passenger, not the driver, so prob wouldnt get anywhere anyway :(

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Yeah get onto the police, as shes commited a crime leaving the scene of an accident she should get a visit from the police

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If you're worried Police may think that then get on to Citizens Advice Bureau. Can see what they think if the Police would bother doing you for wasting police time.


But if criminal damage has been caused i don't see how they can! Really does anger me. Arsehole people.

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lodge a claim.


If her vehicle has caused the damage (regardless of if it was the passenger) it's still their vehicle, they have insurance for that reason!

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responsibility for the passenger lies with the car and driver

talk to the supermarket as well, cos it is classed as private property, and usually fuzz won't want to get involved

You can get her details thru DVLA and go civil route if you like.

Honestly, supermarket will have a policy of some kind


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all else fails find out where the car is registered to go round there with a hammer and screwdriver and have a little one on one with her car door

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ask the supermarket/ car park operator to check their cctv, a bit of additional prrof if they have it.


someone properly rammed the wifes car and drove off last year, completely smashed the wing and the car park security company were only too happy to check their cameras - sadly didn't catch that incident though.

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Report it to the Police - it is an accident of which she left the scene.


Just because it was not a major incident causing road blockage, human injury - does not make this any different - surely !


Why should you have to claim off your insurance, pay the policy excess and have possible higher premiums in future.

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responsibility for the passenger lies with the car and driver

talk to the supermarket as well, cos it is classed as private property, and usually fuzz won't want to get involved

You can get her details thru DVLA and go civil route if you like.

Honestly, supermarket will have a policy of some kind



I work in the Commercial department at a sainsburys store and Commercial deals with things along these lines ( as well as loads of other things ). We are not aloud to give CCTV footage out to the public even if they request it. Due to the data protection act rubish. We can only give it to the Police or our own proffit protection department from head office


Dont know if this is the same for other companies tho

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But under the data protection act you could surely request all information and footage pertaining to yourself and your property?

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But under the data protection act you could surely request all information and footage pertaining to yourself and your property?


No as there might be other parties visibal in the footage. Stupid I know, but thats our policy


I will double check tomorrow with my manager to make shore tho

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thanks all for the advise.


wouldnt claim off my insurance as it just wouldnt be worth it and im going to break the car anyway. just well pi$$ed off that people find this acceptable.


will have a look for cctv cameras, but im not too hopeful, as jake says there is some stupid laws around. it was at a place called fosse park, lots of different shops, but was very close to the front of the shops so you never know.


always good to know theres decent people in the world and a good amount of them can be found on here :)

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not a bad idea to be honest. think i will check for cameras tomorrow for proof and then give it a go.

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In fact what you need to do is get your own insurance company's legal department onto her Insurers. The other driver is responsible for the damage and drove thinking they'd get away with it. The insurance company should take a very dim view indeed of that.


You have the numberplate and witnessed them driving off. With luck there will still be some corresponding damage on the other car as well. But let the insurance company deal with it, that's why you pay for legal protection.


You should also report it to the Police. I'm unsure this counts (legally) as leaving the scene of an accident but if not it may well be criminal damage. Even if the Police don't do anything, get the Police incident number to your insurers to prove you've done it, and to show them you are serious about pursuing this matter.




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Swpmpy is right, wouldn't let us have footage but were happy to check themselves on our behalf. Lots of stores rent there car parks of the retail management company, so often the car parks are operated by a.separate security company, theRe's usually signs about like cobra etc

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Reminds me of a similar occasion in my land rover. I was parked up waiting in a parking space when Mrs Chav screeches to a halt and opens her door slaming it into the side of my land rover. I swear she almost smiled at me as she did it. However the smile soon faded as she realised she had slammed her door into a 2" steel tree protection bar on the sill of my land rover, putting a lovely crease in the edge of her door and only leaving me with the paint from her car to show for it :). She then had the cheek to have a go at ME. Perhaps i could fabricate something similar for corrados, not sure if the off road style has been done on a corrado before? Seriously though mate i'm gutted for you but i doubt theres much you can do to be honest. Report it to the police but the hassle will be more than its worth to try and chase them for damages i would think. Thats why i always park over two spaces, and why if anyone says owt i give them an exact verbal description of why i have done so. Good luck, hope its not too bad.

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I stand to be corrected here but I believe that doing what she did counts as leaving the scene of an accident and she is obliged to report it to the Law as soon as is possible and certainly within 24 hours.


The Law, in my understanding, makes no distinction of whether the accident happened on a public highway or a supermarket car park. Certainly that was the conclusion of the digging that I did when I once scuffed the bumper of someone at Tesco. It didn't leave any damage but I knew I'd brushed their bumper and so I left my details under their wiper.


When I got home, I checked the net and the balance of stuff I could find suggested that the Police could still view it as an accident (according to the law) and that therefore I needed to go and report it to them at the Police Station, present my documents etc.


This I duly did: it seemed a silly fuss for something so trivial but I knew I was covered and I wanted to do it by the book.


I didn't hear from the other car's owner until three days later when I pulled into Tesco again and the car was there, with the lady owner in it. Turned out she works there and had meant to ring me back to say not to worry and that she couldn't see any damage.


She did show me the MASSIVE bump in her bumper on the other side, from someone who did exactly as you've detailed: hit her (while in Tesco's car park) and drove off...

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I'd do exactly as Corozin says, get onto your own insurance with her reg number and start proceedings pronto!

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I had a similar issue (except someone was attempting to blame me) for a parking ding...


Upshot of it was i contacted my insurance and informed them, they said unless it can be proven that nothing would happen (the guy took pics of my car next to his but doesnt confirm contact). The best without proof would be a knock for knock settlement. Proof would need to be in the form of CCTV footage, witness or confirmed paint transfer. They also said that another safety barrier would be in the form that the act took place on private land (military base) so cars dont require insurance anyway, i dont know how this would fair in a supermarket car park.


For me this was a result because the guy was trying to pin blame on me for nothing but for you i hope you get a result, it wont be easy though....

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In view of there are so many differing ideas on here - I would report to Policee and Insurers


- that way they will tell you what you need to do and how far you can take this.

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Supermarkets are classed as public access until they are barriered at night. Valid insurance should still be kept on the land.


Private Land, is where there is a barrier preventing access (to both vehicles and people) and no insurance, mot or tax is required while on that land.


Private roads are another different kettle of fish altogether though. Because afaik there's no need to have insurance mot or tax, but you could still be done over driving on a private road if there's open access to a public road, for intent to drive without valid documents etc.


It hurts the head.

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Just have a conversation with the police & insurance people and sound them out. You will soon get a feeling if it's yes or no.

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