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Quick Thermostat question

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Might be a stupid question...


Do I have to remove all the coolant to take out the thermostat and change it?


I say this because the coolant was changed not so long ago and the stuff isn't exactly cheap!




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get a vw stat, i've used a crap gsf one too, which didnt work. Its worth it. Whilst you're at teh draining, give the system a good flush, allow a day to do it all properly. If you are changing the stat, i would leave it out, fill the system with water, add some soda crystals, leave to circuate for 10-15 mins, drain, refiill with water and flush. Do this two or three times. Then, once you're happy with it, fill the system, pop the hose into the header tank, start the engine, open the drain point on the crack pipe and let the water drain through as you keep it topped up from the header this will ensure that any remaining crud gets washed through. Drain, refit the stat and refill with 70/30 water/coolant. Check for leaks and refit the front of the car.

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