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checking turbo psi on tdi??

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one of the polski's at work was saying something about being able to view live turbo psi whilst driving, to see if its sticking or fooked etc.


his english isnt great so im a bit miffed by how he meant to do it.


anyone have any clue if its part of the computer, or plug vag com in?


any help at all very much appreciated, viewing one on sat.

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If it's a VAG diesel, then connect up VAG-COM, load the Engine module, go into measuring blocks and the scroll through the number blocks on the left until you find one referring to pascals. There should be 2 columns, 'Requested' pressure in pascals, and "Actual" pressure in pascals. If the 2 differ, you know you have a problem.


It's also a good way to see if a car has been chipped (applies to 1.8T as well). If requested boost is 150,000 pascals (1.5 bar absolute, so 0.5 bar (8psi) boost) and actual boost is 200,000 pascals (1 bar boost), then you know someone's been in there, assuming of course the map sensor isn't knackered.


That may not be the exact wording, but it'll be along those lines. Have a look on Ross Tech's site, they tell you how to do this stuff on there.

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Cheers for the reply kev. So its not actually live data as such then. But still handy to be able to check.

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Its nearly live data, as much as the computer can keep up with what the engine is doing. VAG-COM can do data logging and make graphs of data like that, so you should be able to take it for a run and log what the boost is doing.

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