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Car tax advice

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anyone had experience of this?


I purchased a car on the 24th january under the impression that it was sorn. (I stupidily didnt check to make sure). I have just tried to tax it and it shows that the sorn expired on January 1st so prior to me buying the car. I was shown the message that I could be prosecuted for the offence that it is not licenced. Unfortunately the insurance was not showing on the database so couldnt tax the car anyway. What kind of punishment is it? anyone know?



Edited by lilfuzzer

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You should be able to show proof of date of perchase when you signed the car over into your name.


Just give the DVLA a ring if you're a bit worried about things

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Yeah I tried to call today but they not open for business till tomorrow I wil do first thing in the morning.


Just feeling pretty worried today as hoping not a hefty fine is coming my way :(

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No road tax is a fine (£60 iirc) and no points. (and I think you need to be caught too... e.g. copper pulls you or the DVLA database does a search for 3+ month gaps etc).


Personally, I think you'd be unlucky to get fined for it...



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if youre going to tax it now then dont worry about it. they wont be bothered if youre giving them money.


it is of course off the road now as its not taxed, so not causing a problem, and as stated you can argue the previous owner should have done the sorn if they were to get ****ty.


£80 fine is all i think for not declaring sorn. but can be crushed if its on the road.

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Sound thanks chaps yeah its off the road at the moment and taxing tomorrow too as the website isnt letting me do it.


thanks again :)

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Yep definately the responsibility of the previous owner to have sorted it mate so i wouldn't worry :)

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