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Bonnet cutaway for Schrick manifold

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I've read with trepadation that you need to cut away at the underside of the bonnet to stop it rubbing against the Schrick when installed. Has anyone got any pics of how much they've had to cut away for a rough idea of what needs doing? I'm planning to upgrade the front engine mount first, so the engine should hopefully sit a little lower (and stop kciking like a mule when I put my foot down)


Nearly time to put my dremmel to use.. :)

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It's not much at all. Mine used to have one (way before I bought it), and it's had the foam removed from the left section and a tiny piece cut out. Just make sure you paint where you've cut, as mine was going rusty. I'll try to get a pic later...

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i need to do this too - i was going to cut the whole section out and was a bit worried about that, but your photo makes it clear whats really needed. Hammerite on the exposed paint should be fine i guess?


One small point, should this be done at high speed or a lower speed on the dremel? I've got loads of small cutting discs to swop out as they get worn through

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I'd go high speed and a good lashing of masking tape on the surrounding areas, the body colour paint with a touch-up should be fine as its a dry non rust prone area and will hide it a bit better than Hammerite

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thanks Giles, just the advice i need

Edited by fla

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As you're cutting the underside you could always run a hosepipe or place dampened cloth above to prevent heat blistering the paintwork on the outside of the bonnet.

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I was going to place a lump of blu tac on the offending corner, put a blob of emulsion on that then gently lower the bonnet onto the blu tac to mark the under bonnet frame work to show exactly where to cut.

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I'd probably mask the whole area that you need to cut... draw the shape onto the masking tape as it will show better that way as well ;)

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