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R.i.p l947 fkn

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Hi guys,


Well my pride and joy was written off earlier this month. I,ve been too gutted, until now to post. The car was trashed on a round a bout when some pr1ck decided he wanted to turn right whilst he was in the left hand lane, on a dual carrageway, and ended up driving into the nearside of my car forcing it into a mobile phone mast head on.


More importantly my partner was driving and she sustained broken ribs and heavy bruising while the passenger had a suspected dislocated shoulder.


The car is a write off and estimated repairs come to 12 000.


Mechanically she was in very good shape as I've spent thousands on the engine, running gear and suspension in the time that i've owned her.


Ironically I'd asked my partner if she could go to a body shop in St Helens and get quotes for me on some minor rust removal and a respray on the front bumper whilst she was doing some buisiness in the area. I was planning on spending some money this year on bringing the bodywork up to a better standard.


I dont know what to do with myself at the moment I feel lost without it.


Here are some pics of her in all her glory from better times

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What a shame, looked like a really nice example too.


I hope the twunt who caused your loss and injury to your partner got what he deserved?


Have you considered getting another Corrado? There's no getting over the last one like getting a new one, as they say.

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bummer ! as mr haywire says though ,get another one mate . considering the prices at the moment you should get a nice rado for your dough .

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Aww that sucks man, really deel sorry for you :(


Like Kev said hope the person got both barrels.

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That's a real shame, it looks like a real nice car in the pics.


Hope you get back into a new one soon.

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Best of luck mate and best wishes to your partner and her pal who were injured. Sounds like they will recover OK but so will you too. When i had a numpty ram me in Benidorm last year it gutted me so i understand your disappointment but chin up, accept no cr@p from the insurance people and then hit the classifieds section and get yourself AN EVEN BETTER ONE AND THEN COME ON THIS FORUM AND TELL US ALL ABOUT IT!! Tomorrow will be a better day, as said, chin up!

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Oh no, Sorry mate, hope you get another one soon, it looks like it was a nice one too(and hope your partners ok too)



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Thanks guys reading your comments as lifted my mood. There was an indipendant witness who saw the accident so if her statement matches my partners then the police say they will prosicute him.


My partner as been in agony with her ribs since the accident but she's improving.


As for getting another one well I'm looking casually at the moment until I get the payment. I'd love another they really are a fantastic car in so many ways!



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