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Turbo kit for 16v?

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Been looking for a turbo kit for a 1.8 16v and no luck... anywhere..

Can anyone point me in the right direction? please :)

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german ebay bets place buddy.....you can run stock internals upto about 250bhp with stacked gasket or a proper double thickness gasket for turbo kit ...will need to upgrade to g60 brakes for increase on power as your stock brakes wont hold out if your planning on some really hard driving...my mate runs a mk2 16v turbo puts out 230bhp all stock internals and stock gear box and clutch...has extra oil cooler in there as well it runs quiet as a mouse untill you hit the fun pedal...great motors and if your planning on 250+ bhp you can achive crazy figures with a 1800 16v if you start spending crazy money on upgrade internals etc etc...but you will find 200bhp is spot on as once you start creeping above and beyond can be pointless especialy in wet weather as no traction...but all good when dry and in a straight line ...jusr depends what you want ...

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ahh right cheers =] well sorta had a project in mind to twin turbo it but for now just single... wouldnt mind 200-250bhp would be nice, just curious what i would need to do to add a turbo and a general price range just to get started... but i mean what be a good start off point to add more power instead of me jumping in to a turbo

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  MK1Campaign said:
Give Stealth a ring. They are ripping out a turbo technics 16vt from a Corrado and installing a 20vt.


wtf why on gods earth would you rip out a turbo technics 16vt....must be off there heads..old skool way far better

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Id also be intrested in this i know there is stuff on ebay brand new for about 700 quid but im a bit wary of it tbh

This is a good thread for the 16v owners out there i think

All info is great info

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Indeed......this has been playing on my mind ever since I purchased my rado,better start savin the pennies!!

also better watch out for mr. plod,they're really clampin' down on modified cars over here,just the other day I got stopped and he startin givin out bout my german style plates,****sake have not got real criminals to be catchin' like the one's whole steal our beloved cars after you've spent thousands on them huh! Edited by groundforce

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