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ETKA ebay joby!!

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hi, anyone brought etka from ebay and got it working ? iv got it installed correctly following the instructions however when i try to open etka a little box opens with error 7 hardlock not found? tryed re installing it and spent around 2 hours playing with it tring to sort it out but no luck :(

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Yeah ive got a copy, that i believe came from ebay. I occasionally get the hardlock but either trying to reopen it or reinstall usually works. By the way once you do get it working, you'll get server errors haha, just keep closing the box and eventually they'll stop appearing - you'll see what i mean.

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ok cheers for the headsup, thats if i can get it working, i tryed open n closeing reinstalling it etc but no luck, i just cant get past the hardlock error....

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which version is it, as theres an older version and a new. (its only the new version blue interface that you get the server issue)

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Also beware there are very few versions that work on Windows 7 64-bit. The hardlock drivers don't work on 64-bit, so the only versions which work are ones that have had the hardlock code removed, rather than bypassed.


If you are on Win7 64-bit send me a PM and I will do a copy of mine for you :cat:

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and locked folks as we can't be seen to endorse software piracy.



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