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coolant/tempreture light

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since yesterday morning wheni started my car , the temp/coolant light keeps flashing?

i have had a look at the coolant level and there is plenty in there?





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greeny is lying,its in the exhaust! :lol:


No seriously check the connector that clips to the expansion tank is on properly and pins are making good contact. Dont know,can you change sensor separately or to do you need to change whole expansion tank?cant remember

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The pins have locking tabs on them !

You can get a proper tool for the job,or two small screwdrivers will suffice.

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I certainly have heard that before but I'm really not sure whether it's true. The "sensor" is just two metal prongs that go into the water.. I presume all they do is throw a small electrical charge into the water to complete a circuit and, when the water level is too low, the circuit is no longer complete and the light comes on..


It could be that, if it's the original bottle, the sensor is so encrusted with crap, it might no longer be working properly. Worth getting it off the car (relatively easy) to have a look and possibly clean it out?

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i get the same prob with mine,i take the tank off and clean it out with gunk.this cures mine.my oil cooler went faulty a while back and there must be a little oil in the water still that gets on the prongs in the bottle

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Does the sensor not also detect the concentration of anti freeze? Ie if you don't have enough anti freeze in the water it will throw on the light? Or did I dream that?


Nope,just sensor to tell coolant level is low.Dont think a car company would go to that extreme to test coolant specific gravity.

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