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late corrado VR6 fuel tank straps

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Will see if this is a possibility! What price would you guys be willing pay for these out of interest?

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Will see if this is a possibility! What price would you guys be willing pay for these out of interest?


What people want to pay and what they are worth are most likely going to be two different amounts !

The workmanship looks first class, so I reckon between £15-£20 a strap !

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ok. this would be possible if more than 10 people are interested... it would be £20 per strap + P&P.


I will create a group buy feeler thread.

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I'm sure getting the numbers together will be pretty easy due to the interest already. Maybe, if more show interest the prices can come down?


Correct me if Im wrong, but do the original straps have an impression to give the strap strength, if so can that be achieved on these SS versions?

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I don't think they are there just to make the straps stronger ! I thought they were there to let any water trapped behind them,to run down the indents and run out of the holes.this is why the straps always rust at the holes ! Being st/st they are stronger, IMHO they don't need going through a bead roller !

Just my 2p

Edited by dragon green

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I've been designing Stainless Steel products for 10 years now, what VR6Pete is offering is plenty adequate for it's purpose.

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Just an update on these guys, I want to do a trail fit of these before I get more fabricated up... however I'm trying to get hold of of the mount thingy... I phoned VW and they said they are obsolete.



191 201 654C


Can anyone assist with obtaining one?

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I'm sure if the group buy was to go ahead, more of these would be needed and hence ss may be the only option, unless the old ones get stripped and powder coated.

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What a brilliant group buy idea. I just spent 20 quid on some rusty knackered straps as i was desperate .

Id have thought you could sell loads to the Canada Corrado lot as well as the Germans. Good work dude.


Think i have a spare mount,its 60 miles from me right now but I will be there this weekend and will look it out if you r still looking for one.

Edited by borders16v

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is there a GB thread for these??


Not yet. Want to do a trial fit of mine but my mount has rusted away to nothing so after a template see if these can easily be fabricated up before I kick off a GB.

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