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timing chain costs

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I was wondering how much it costs roughly to do a timing chain on the vr6?


And if its a hard job to do?


what is the life expectancy of the chain, as i know that in vauxhall the life is not long as the oil nozzles that spary the chain are crap and end up snapping :camp:


many thanks



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LOL, the search is your friend..... A guy called emu is selling some chain parts in the classifieds and in our very own wiki we have a complete step-by-step guide on replacing the chains.


It's been discussed a billion times already but I would also budget in a new clutch too because it's a gearbox off job, so you may aswell whilst you're there! And that's an additional £100ish....

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The previous owner did the chains and clutch on mine at D&G last year and that was around £1k. So if you have the knowledge and tools to do it yourself then you can save yourself quite a bit.


EDIT: Can't remember if that price included the uprated cams or not. Car would have been on around 136k at the time.

Edited by Portent

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Oh and as for how long do they last..... plan on replacing them every 100K. It's the upper tensioner that usually wears out. VW redesigned it 6 - 7 years ago and I was one of the first to fit one, but sadly it still starts to pit at ~ 60ish K. I don't think the redesigned part will break up in pieces like the original one did, but it's certainly not a fit and forget part.

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Not necessarily. Some cars go on for much longer than that without chains being done. However at 125k I'd start considering it and start budgeting for it. It's hard to tell really; if the chains are noisey then yes get them done. If they are quiet then it's hard to tell if they need doing or not unless you take a look at them.

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take the rocker cover off and havea look at the upper tensioner as Fishwick has mentioned above. If that's worn down, change things sharpish! Its not too hard, i did mine myself, with lots of help from the forum. Just allow yourself a few days, if your car can be off the road for that long, take lots of pictures, use the guide and you'll be ok. If you have the tools it can be easily done in a weekend. The additional costs though will also include fluids (coolant, oil), bolts for the clutch, seals etc so you may as well do a proper service when the engine is out.

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so if a car had 125k on the clock without a chain done it would need one doing asap!


As you've already attempted to remove the cams, you should have seen the upper tensioner's condition? It's tucked down behind the rear sprocket. When the cams are out you'll be able to see more of it. If there are 2 deep scores in it exposing rivets, then yep, replace the chain gear asap! Some break up so bad there's no resin pad left, just the metal backing. Those broken up bits end up in the sump. The revised tensioner is a one peice polymer and doesn't break up.


Ignore people who say "if it's not noisy, the chains are fine" as it's utter bollocks. Visual inspection is the ONLY way to be sure.

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i dont have a car yet, just weighing up if its worth buying one that has over 100k milage and no chain been replaced

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A picture paints a 1000 words http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?5586-VR-chain-upper-tensioner&highlight=MK4+VR6%2B+upper+chain+tensioner


Ah OK, I must be getting you confused with someone else. In that case, if the seller says the chains are quiet and therefore fine, ignore him! At 125K I would be asking for a discount to cover the chains if there's no evidence in the history showing their replacement.

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well that all depends if you fancy doing some work on the car! I would rather buy something with great bodywork and requiring some mechanical work than the other way around tbh, mainly because bodywork is pricey and i cant do it myself!

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Ignore people who say "if it's not noisy, the chains are fine" as it's utter bollocks. Visual inspection is the ONLY way to be sure.


Too true. When i bought my car chains weren't noisy. Found out the pad had completely worn away. An example of body being pretty good but mechanically not so great.

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