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Anyone here know BIGGRIM

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Ive recently bought this guys corrado G60. see link to his old build thread





His real name is Graeme and he is from Glasgow. The last thread i found from him was around 2007 and he had just sold the corrado to a chap from Dublin.



Id like to speak to him about the Clifford 300 car alarm he had fitted to the car when he had it. As you can guess its giving me trouble. It keeps arming itself every 30 seconds. Ive read the manual and it says I can turn this function off via the Plain Veiw switch. There is NO plain veiw switch. Also I cannot find the hidden valet switch. Ive searched most places and am on the verge of tearing out the dash which Id rather not have to do.


Im planning on restoring this car over the winter when I have some free time but untill then i need to get it roadworthy. Its due its NCT or MOT to you guys. I cant send it to the testers with the alarm blaring every few seconds. All I want to do is turn off the Auto alarm function.



So if anybody knows Biggrim can you ask him to message me on here. Thank you.

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Hi Mate,


I used to meet up with Biggrim occasionally, prob about 2004/2005, and I changed the dash in that car from grey to black with him; if i remember rightly there is some controller located behind the a-pillar kick plate in the passenger footwell (equivalent to where the bonnet release is on the drivers side). Obviously its a good 5 years ago so I don't remember much else! I've not been in touch with him for a long time, so can't help you make contact...





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