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Issue Selecting 5th Gear

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Have currently got an intermittent problem when selecting 5th gear on my VR6 (it sometimes crunches before fully selecting). It has been like this since I bought the car a few months ago and will sometimes select fine and other times crunch before eventually selecting. There is quite a long throw when I select 5th gear and was wondering if adjusting the gear linkage may be able to resolve this issue?




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Does it, or has it ever jumped out of 5th since you've had it?


Lift off the gear lever surround (it just pulls up) and observe the sprung mechanism just in front of the centre console cubby hole. In neutral, move the stick fully left, then fully right. The movement either side of centre should be the same. It sounds like the available throw for 5th could be restricted. You'll see what i mean if the throw for 1st has more travel. If that's the case you will need to slacken the 13mm nut on the cable on the shift tower (only one of the two cables has an adjuster) in the engine bay and readjust so that 1st and 5th gates have the same throw.


It's difficult to explain but if you observe what's happening when moving the lever left to right you should be able to figure it out.


If no improvement, you may have a failed / failing syncro ring on 5th gear.

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Thanks Fishwick, will have a look at this. It has never jumped out of 5th gear so hopefully all it needs is a bit of adjustment.

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