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Euro Car Parts account on the way

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Hi everyone,


I work at Euro and posted up in earlier threads I was going to see if an account could be set up for this forum with good discount and shipping options. My boss has gave me the nod and it should be all set up and ready the start of next week.


We have a guy at our place who is doing the same thing for his E30zone possy and gets loads of free advice and help. Considering I just bought mine and know pretty much nothing about Corrados I was hoping for the same :p

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Like the sound of this! When it's all setup, be good to know the procedure for purchasing on the account! :)



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Like the sound of this! When it's all setup, be good to know the procedure for purchasing on the account! :)




I havent a clue how to do it on the forum side. What would you suggest? I've had a few PM enquirys but I can't get to them all the time at work.....

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Well - would the process be that we have to contact you for everything, or is there a way to order them directly ourselves without having to hassle you? Does your branch mail stuff out if people phone up and place orders with you?

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Got the account open today but I can only use it through my own branch (leicester) which is pap really. Something to do with alot of card fraud at the minute. This won't be permenant though. Sorry guys!


Any part enquirys for now email me at [email protected] with the heading "Corrado forum". Like I said though I'm not an expert so as much info as poss please :p


Oh and I live near Northampton so I'll be happy to take stuff home and you can collect it from me if that helps


Much love

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Quick reminder that there's 25% off servicing parts AND free postage till the end of July !


Just bought a coil pack online, as it's not worth getting in the car and driving there with deals like that.

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Hey everyone. I am now at a new branch (Kettering) and have set up an account for us with better discounts than the ECP website! We will also be able to mail order anywhere in the UK at the same rates as the webshop http://www.eurocarparts.com/delivery-information


My direct number is 01536215235 or just PM me any price quotes. I haven't been on for ages but I'll be checking in everyday no I'm allowed :)


Oh and does anyone tint tail lights on here? Want mine all red and I'm to scared to do it myself, my hands are as steady as an alchy's

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