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Bee Sting Ripped out :/, anyone fitted a sharkfin

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Hi all, found my C minus it's ariel this evening some S*1t (prolly a student) has ripped it out :/


Anyone done a shark fin upgrade, or know of the best place to source a shark fin or replacement Bee Sting.


This country pisses me off some times, I'm only 22 and it makes me feel old to say it, but where is the respect for other people's property gone?!?

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I'm about to fit a new bee sting to my Corrado... As far as I know, only VW sell the correct one if you need the base as well, because it's at a slightly different angle from the ones on the golfs and the aftermarket ones... :roll:


If they've only damaged the mast part of it, you can pick up aftermarket ones from Euro car parts and GSF to name just 2... They're only a few quid too... 8)


If they've managed to get the bottom bit off as well, they really must have tried, and may well have knackered your roof in quite a bad way as there is a sodding HUGE nut under the aerial that needs undoing to remove the base part of the aerial... :|

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I'm about to fit a new bee sting to my Corrado... As far as I know, only VW sell the correct one if you need the base as well, because it's at a slightly different angle from the ones on the golfs and the aftermarket ones... :roll:



The different angles no big deal, I had one on my 16v and the mast only just touched the rear screen with the boot open. Fit a shortened mast and the problem disapeers altogether. 8)

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The different angles no big deal, I had one on my 16v and the mast only just touched the rear screen with the boot open. Fit a shortened mast and the problem disapeers altogether. 8)


A-ha! that's good to know.... you may have just saved me a couple of quid there... Thanks... 8)

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I just had my aerial ripped out....and it knackered my base as well :x I had to buy a new base from VW as no-where else sells them (that i could find). Its all fixed now and i have a nice new un-faded aerial base....BUT it cost my £62 quid!!!!


Oh.....and by the way.....i'm a student and i'm pretty sure it wasnt another one that broke it....more like a scum bag drunken wan#er with a group of drunken yobs. Funny....if i could have seen them running off i'd 'av quite happily put a dent in my bonnet running the son bit#h down!!


Anyway....back to the problem....they are pretty easy to fit as well...so if the worst comes to the worst...you will have a nice new aerial and be £62 worse off....

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I take it you just have to strip the headlining out and then bolt it in, and run cable back to the headunit?


And I know what you mean Brando.. theres just not enough justice in this world that we never managed to catch the scumbags who do this! :(


Sleeping reasonably safe tonight though as my freshly washed Corrado (ready for tomorrow) has been garaged (with lock) in the backings behind my house - and the alley that leads to that has a whopping great gate on it too with the keys only available to residents. Normally my C has to chance it on the street!

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Its much easier than that im glad to say. There's a black strip of panelling at the rear most part of the roof (inside). You can get to it by opening the boot. Pull that off (carefully and then you wont break the clips) and then gently lower the roof lining(no clips or glue) and you can get to the bolt that holds the base on. Undo the bolt with a 22mm open ended spanner....then unplug the base (plug is about 6 inches down the wire from the base) and thats it. Just reverse that to fit the new one.


It took me about 15 mins to do...and probably saved a lot of money at the dealer :)

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Great info! Not as painful a job as I was lead to believe!

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Oh.....and by the way.....i'm a student and i'm pretty sure it wasnt another one that broke it....more like a scum bag drunken wan#er with a group of drunken yobs. Funny....if i could have seen them running off i'd 'av quite happily put a dent in my bonnet running the son bit#h down!!


Sorry m8, didn't mean to abuse students in general. I was one uptill graduating last year. But there is a halls at the top of the road and they all walk down our road when the clubs kick out pissed.


cheers for the info guys, I figured I was going to have to remove the headlining and spend ages fiddling around :/. The base is thankfully still there but the thread looks a tad knackered :/.


Just pisses me off as now I have to worry about my car when it's parked right outside of my own home.


/me resumes looking for a house to buy with a garage down south. (anyone fancy a bank robbery???)

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Anyone done a shark fin upgrade, or know of the best place to source a shark fin or replacement Bee Sting

Not sure theres such a thing as a shark fin for FM radio.


I've fitted these GPS/Cellular ones though.



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