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VWNW Tatton Park CCGB stand

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You've probably met him anyway Paul as he's been on the VAG seen for a few years and has also been with me when I was on the stand, Dave Gaskell is his name.


I'm not sure if he's in CCGB anymore but will ask him tomorrow. Thanks mate.



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Hi Stan,


Just checked the members list and he isn't listed so if Dave is ok to join up then that'd be much appreciated.



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We do know (and have seen the car) at CCGB National Day last year. And very nice it is too.

(so it's a renewal then :).. much easier)

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Paul, Judith he says he has membership already???? I'll get him to confirm his number, but if not then it shouldn't be an issue to renew. He lives in Kirkham, Preston by the way.

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His tis I, the Scarlet Radonel (Red Rado) - just spoken to Paul, was an existing member and have re-subscribed today but can't find my CCGB number, user name is as before so hopefully Jude/Vicki can find me and link the 2 together. Will blow the dust off on Saturday and bring her down early on Sunday - now where did I leave the polish?


Looking forward to seeing everyone, Dave.

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Got the cash thanks :)

I'll advise Vicki of your number when I send her the Aug new member / renewals.

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Excellent Jude - sounds like a plan to me! Best get off this computer now and find 2 buckets, some sponges and some polish if I don't want to disappoint. Cheers, Dave.

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Pass arrived this morning, looking forward to meeting you all on Sunday. Fingers crossed that the weather is as good as last year..

Aiming to get there for 9ish.

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Everyone have a good time at Tatton Park, can't believe I will miss it this year due to buisness travel


Looking forward to pictures

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Meeting osv in the morning at 8am, gonna meet at The Swan, Bucklow Hill, Knutsford WA16 6RD if anyone want to join us.

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  C5 OEM said:
Meeting osv in the morning at 8am, gonna meet at The Swan, Bucklow Hill, Knutsford WA16 6RD if anyone want to join us.


Should be there 9ish as have to come back from Chester, pick up both cars and then head to Tatton!

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so cleaned the car with my lad and drove home in the rain!!!! :( i hope its not raining tomorrow i have nearly 2 hour drive, will look sh.. by the time i get there!!!

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Considering it was supposed to pour down most of the day, it turned out to be quite a good day. Will post my pics when i get chance to upload them, cars on the stand looked great as usual good to talk to a few of you



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I've only got some of the show stand. Seemed to live there almost all day!


There WERE 6 cars in the class but 3 drove off quite early.

Edited by Butterfly

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Was a good day today, came over first thing to say hi, redrado - dave come over and said hi, i bobbed over a few more times, saw James not sure on others sorry. I came over with my boy on his little yellow folding trike thingy!

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  SIMONG said:
Was a good day today, came over first thing to say hi, redrado - dave come over and said hi, i bobbed over a few more times, saw James not sure on others sorry. I came over with my boy on his little yellow folding trike thingy!


Good to have a quick chat first thing Simon good to see you havn't given up on the G60 and still looking rather good on the D90's

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A very enjoyable day (after a delayed start), family friendly, great conversations and a very good standard of VW's. The weather was typically English, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

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nice day! well worth the trip up the M6!! great to see everyone! no camera no pics :(


---------- Post added at 08:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ----------


Jon nice pictures we didn't get chance to talk again!!

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