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Headlining / Sunroof aperture trim - recolouring

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i am in the process of retrimming my interior in black (it is currently the standard light beige/grey). One of the items i need to sort out is this:









its the "seal" or trim that goes around the sunroof aperture in the headlining which is mostly rubber, but also has a felt-type material. Can anyone tell me what the material it is made of so i can find a suitable spray/dye to get it matching black to the other items i am doing? Has anyone done this before, if so what did you use and where did you get it from?



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I was going to do this, and was going to use 'paint it black'. I decided against it though as I couldn't think how i'd get the sun visors looking good - how are you going to do that?


Let us know how you get on - plently of pics before it goes back int he car would be cool.


Thanks & good luck!



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Monza, I resprayed my headlining in a slightly darker grey including this piece and it looks mint. I used fabric spray that I bought from ebay.


If you're doing the headlining then it takes a while to get it right without there being any striping but I'm happy with the result. You can probably find a post on this on my blog somewhere http://www.corrblimey.com.


The stuff I used was called "Grey Flanel Spray Paint" and cost me £7.40 on ebay inc delivery. One tin did the whole thing. The end result is a slightly rougher texture but how often do you stroke your headlining?


Good luck.



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I need to paint my sunroof panel, preferably the same Grey colour as standard, anyone know if its available? If not then a darker contrasting Grey would do.


As I'll be doing it in-situ is there a brush on paint that I can apply using a 'stipple' method?



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I need to paint my sunroof panel, preferably the same Grey colour as standard, anyone know if its available? If not then a darker contrasting Grey would do.


As I'll be doing it in-situ is there a brush on paint that I can apply using a 'stipple' method?




Sounds like my situation Dave, yes it's available. I think I used this person on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/IVORY-CREAM-SPRAY-PAINT-CERAMIC-GLASS-FABRIC-METAL-etc-/380338824342?pt=UK_DIY_Material_Paint_Varnish_MJ&hash=item588df5e496#ht_2099wt_905 and bought the grey colour. You also get a link to a free floristry course if you buy from here lol.


Better to mask off and spray rather than hand paint I would imagine. Just use lots of sheets on the interior and use lots of newspaper and masking tape.


Good luck.



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I was going to do this, and was going to use 'paint it black'. I decided against it though as I couldn't think how i'd get the sun visors looking good - how are you going to do that?


Let us know how you get on - plently of pics before it goes back int he car would be cool.


Thanks & good luck!




thanks for the tips guys. As for my headlining and the visors (take a look at my thread here: My build thread)


jimbobbalooba - have you got any photos of how your headlining and this bit in particular came out after using the fabric spray you mentioned? I looked through your blog but couldn't see any photos - although i did see the one where you had a fight with the garage door..and lost!


cheers again!

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how often do you stroke your headlining? ...






far too much at the moment - i loooooove the feeling of Alcantara in the morning lol

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thanks for the tips guys. As for my headlining and the visors (take a look at my thread here: My build thread)


jimbobbalooba - have you got any photos of how your headlining and this bit in particular came out after using the fabric spray you mentioned? I looked through your blog but couldn't see any photos - although i did see the one where you had a fight with the garage door..and lost!


cheers again!


Oh happy days! I was looking earlier for some pics but couldn't find any. I'll take some pics tomorrow and post them up, it's all installed now so it may not be easy to get a good picture but I'll do what I can for you. I removed my headlining and sprayed that outside of the car along with the sunroof surround but the actual sunroof panel I sprayed in situ. If you do remove yours be bloody careful as they are really flimsy and can break really easily.


I'll get back to you tomz with some pics matey.


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Monza that looks good, Jim I'll need to look at yours at home.... Do either of you have pics of how you handled the Sunvisors - hinges, the slider over the mirror on the drivers side and around the light on the passenger side? Those are the three areas that made me not do it as I couldn't picture how I would get them looking good (and the finish being durable)...


Also, if you go for that paint it black, can you let us know how well it works? (including how well it performs on you beached denim as per their demo vid!)





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Sunvisors are a little tricky. The passengar side with the illuminated mirror is actually the easier of the two as the actual mirror pops out and therefore any spray or retrimming can be performed and the mirror reinserted.


The driver side with the slider is a PITA! Havn't figured out how best to do this, but check out RAMS' post which shows how his were retrimmed in leather


the little clips that the visors sit into and rotate on are another conundrum... think i may try some plastic primer then some black spray. I'll leave the actual 'contact' area free of paint as it would probably just chip off the first time I try to pull down the visor from its flat resting position.

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I just hand stitched around the little clips bits, you hardly see it if you use matching thread and it looks fine.

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I just hand stitched around the little clips bits, you hardly see it if you use matching thread and it looks fine.


we need pics :D

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Monza, pics of my headlining after the respray and refit...


I didn't take any pictures of it prior to respraying it but it was covered in greasy marks and grime.



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