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Made my own AFR Gauge...

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I had a go at making my own AFR display as I didn't have any spare space for gauges...


I'm quite happy with the outcome, and it cost less than £20 for the bits!


What do you think!?





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I'm interested in this too.. Looks like one of those duo styling ones.

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Bought the components from Maplin and soldered it myself onto Veroboard...


Lambda probe signal into a voltage follower to block current, then amplfied the signal slightly, then into a LED Bargraph driver chip.


You can use the LED module I used or could use individual coloured LEDs and fit them pretty much anywhere...


I'm thjinking about other items as well, and I have a grand plan in my head that I might be able to sell the parts and circuit diagrams (circuit schematic and board layout) as DIY kits... do you think there would be any interest?



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Ummm that's all gone straight over my head lol!!

Well I would definitely be interested if you put a kit together with instructions :)

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