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Never let people who dont own old cars touch yours.

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I guessing im not the only one.


Each day i have anyone in my car, they fiddle and break stuff.


For instance today, trying to start the bugger and my mate snapped my door handle (Metal elbow inside it)


It annoys me as i am one of the most inpatient people i know but other people just dont seem to have the caring touch to cars as i do and i only do from breaking most the things ive ever touched on it.


Saying that, any car i touch seems to destroy itself...


Has anyone noticed this, no one can open the doors properly, bonnet etc


For instance, took my car to a garage and the dude who tested it for mot obviously didnt have a clue how to drive a lowerd car as he scraped the bugger on the exit to the garage.


Its as if people expect it to be as good and working as a modern car and they just arnt.


You lot must have had people break your car and you just have to watch and feel the hate.


Its a new bloody handle too.


Same with my mk2 and 1, people are just too hard on them and they cant handle it.


Like watching someone drive your mk1, if youve owned one youl know what im on about.


Their different to most other cars and weird to drive, got to own one to understand, its like the corrado.


Im now paranoid about anyone touching my car other than me.

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You will find a long list of people like that on here !. If i have a problem and chris or matt comes over its fine they both have corrado's, they treat it the same as their own . The problem is we live in a throw away society ,people have cars and fair enough its just a car it gets them from a,to ,b . If you are not into cars classic or otherwise you wont see them in the same light as we do . I remember nath who sold his vr to karl , used to park his car at tesco where he works and take up two spaces to avoid dents lol . They used to go mad at him sayin ''its just a car '' .

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LOL take up 2 car park spaces, i can imagine that aswell.to op, i know what you mean i took my car in to have a wire that was burnt out by my distributer sorted, i got my car back with a whistleing noise and kangarooed like mad! i wasnt happy ! the guy said "oh wasnt the whislteing noise there before?" er no it was fine before i brought it in! turned out he hadnt done the manifold gasket up!, got my car back and it still kangarooed! so i drove it home and pulled the leads out and one was wraped up in electrical tape! the others looked dodgey! he had pulled them out by the leads and not used the vag lead tool! i only replaced them 2 weeks before, he addmitted not useing a tool on them and i got a new set of leads free! they offered to fit them but natrualy i declined!, makes me question the wire repair! and anything else that he has done!, if it wasnt for that wire repair it wouldnt of gone in! its only because i know next to nothing about electrics,atleast if you do the work yourself you know its done right {ish lol }

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took my G60 to get the tracking done.


watched the guy drive it onto the ramp and crack the front splitter on the stops at the end of the ramp.


as he got out the car i proceeded to climb in and drive it back off and go straight back into the office and asked to speak to the manager for a replacement part...


Took about 30 secs for them to cough up for a new part of the web...


I now only go to specialists when i need work done... luckily there is a VAG specialist over the road from work and one of them owns a Red 16V

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haha... i think we all know the feeling! On the two occasions i have ever had people sitting in the rear seats of my car, I myself have always operated the front seat tilt lever, let them in the back and then gently let the seat go back into the normal upright position. Far too many times i have seen people yank that lever like they were choking a chicken and then let the seat slam backwards!


i think we all suffer from corrado-itus, for which there is no known cure :)

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I know exactly what you mean about the seat lever..............i have fallen out with the missus on more than one occasion over that one.............and she broke my heater controls last year,replaced with a passat set, then got in the car the other day and i see the hand coming out to try and turn the heating up..........No Way was that happening, she was told that all levers and buttons are out of bounds for her :lol:

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Very relevant thread. I think we more or less all know exactly that. Nobody else gives a da.. I also have an old italian Laverda motorcycle, and it really have a life of it's own. I always take good care of it, tap it along the fur so to say, and it never breaks down. But someone stupid comes along, passes by or whatever, and comment on it like, howcom you clean it so much, it's just some old scrap, or: why don't you ride it for work? (3 miles) Of course not, as I cannot even warm up the oil on such a short trip, it's a coldstart, there's too much wind, the weatherforecast said there's 1 percent chance of getting rainy today etc. They just shake their heads and almost accidently drops their old rusty bicycle, football or whatever next to my Corrado or Laverda. Geeeeessss!!! GGGRrrrrrrr!!!

They don't understand that someone is willing to pay more money for a set of 12 year old BBS's that they can get 3 sets of new mega sized wheels for at a crapstore.


It's fu..... mine, I paid for it, I don't own money to the bank, I invest thousands of hours getting it perfect while you have "quality-time" on the sofa with a pizza and a sixpac.

Them: Then theu go on about how long time can it take to polish it? Or: didn't you also polish it last evening?

Me: Yes I did, because it took me 6½ hours to polish the hood and both front wings.

Them: Shake their head in lack of understanding while getting into their 1 year old suzuki Splat, which is full of garbage, rusty and totally scratched.

I know that feeling of someone less carefull getting in and out of my car, slamming the seat, stepping the plastic fasteners off the carpet, and worst of all: the slam the door hard! I then sream what on Earth they are doing? they answer that on their own car it have to be slammed hard. Well, maybe you should spend the weekend on the car maintaining it, instead of eating until your belly prevents you from getting into a Corrado! Then I leave ;)

Also why I (very seldom) use the car for a practical purpose like driving to a furnitureshop to have a look at something, ALWAYS park most far away from the entrance.


Each to his own ;) but good old stuff needs careful handeling for sure.


Pat: that is a 100 percent perfectly okay and totally accepted picture you have there: Go on punk, make my day!




Edited by Redfox

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I had children in the car at the weekend - Not good for the heart !!


Naturally they were read the Riot Act beforehand.

Shoes off - no marking my back seats

Fingers do not touch windows

No Eating, Drinking, Spitting, Breathing, Farting (this easily goes wrong !!! ) etc etc

And lots of encouragement to the Driver - who did not exceed 45 mph, but made it sound fantastic to sounds of cries of excitment !!


Infact its my girlfriends who are the worst by a very long way.


The throw away society is definetely to blame - but then thats the same for most Material pocessions.


Round here now - there are advisaries when parking - that if you take up two parking spaces - you will be clamped.

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Other end of the scale to wendy.....When I had my first G60, bought at 2 years old I went to the builders merchant, opened the boot folded down the seats and said, "put 60 bricks in there!" The yard lads nearly fainted and refused, I had to do it myself!

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i dont let anyone in my car apart from my brother, or people that have had corrado's or mk1/2 golfs as they understand the cars, i have even un-plugged the electric recaros so no one plays with them, at the end of the day i'm the only person that will drive it.

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Just thought i would mention as someone else has about the kids . my kids always want me to pick them up in the c ,they love the car it always makes me proud how they treat the car [not that my car comes before my kids ] , they even get out without treading on the door seal where the corrado strip is !.

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You know guys we all have the same understanding here...I completely relate to the kids in the back seat thing and the seat lever and the garages who dont seem to give a stuff.....you are 100% rite when you say these cars need to be driven with understanding and care and if I am not mistaken more than a little skill...I guess we are carers and a lot of the rest of the world are not or just dont take time to think for a nano second that they are dealing with 20 plus year old motors and with that brings its own amount of worries....


But ultimately they dont have the grin factor as we all do when we close our drivers door and spark up our babies...they may take our seat bolsters or door catches or scuff our seat backs but ...they will never take our ..............GRIN :dance:

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for them cars are just a form of transport from A to B, they aint got a clue or understand that most of these cars arnt made anyomore. its kinda sad when you see a mk2 golf or corrado being broken up for spares as thats another 1 gone,just think in 5 years time or even 10 years time, they are going to be quite rare for sale and rather then being broken there be sold off as restoration projects as you now sometimes get with mk1 golfs..

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If my wife has something in her hands then she often swings the Golf door open without holding it, until it bangs fully open and rebounds. It drives me up the wall and does cause some 'discussion' between us. She hates the Corrado though and rarely gets in it. So that's safe :)

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aha its good to see you all know what im jibbering on about.


The more i rea the more i remember about idiots.


Garages are the worst for it, definatly if they brake something, try and ignore it and act as if it was lie that when you bought it in.


Mother truckers...


I also had an electrition mess my wiring up, i think that may be why my car does not start now.


And as i obviously have ALOT less tools than he does im now stumped.


If you have had your car stuck on a trailor or a ramp, i had the metal bit which holds the splitter on ripped off by one of the pick up blokes, he couldnt have spelt his own name so i couldnt be botherd to try and access the brain cells which would be needed to replace it... so i left it.


Save more things getting broken.


Not forgetting i took my car to a garage to be looked at as it overheated, this was over the winter and they did not put anti freeze in it and it obviously froze, it took me about 2 weeks to get my car back as they said they couldnt do anything about it, i was litterally thinking of setting the place on fire.. aha.


They eventually bought a heater and sorted it, ever since its ran like complete crap.


And now it does nothign at all.


Hence the hatered for anyone who touches my car.


On the bright side, as you said the Corrado still makes me smile.

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So i was in the pub, had too many to drive so my dad drove us home.........


I said to him a number of times about being careful which he was very receptive too and was.......until it came to parking when he decided to leave a lovely streak of my freshly refurbished black D90s down the curb.


I was a little annoyed as you all would be, but as it was my dad i let him off lightly and just gave him the flyer of the local wheel refurber to ponder!


Moral of the story, never let anybody else drive your car unless they drive a Corrado as well!

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