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Pothole disaster..GOOD NEWS! (pg.2)

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On my way home last night I hit a MASSIVE pothole, full of water which made it very hard to see, and ruined two of my wheels. One punctured tyre, and both have huge dents in the rim (beyond repair)


Whilst attempting to fit the spare (which didnt fit over my brakes, so had to call out my flatmate to bring me one of my speedlines) two other cars suffered the same fate, one Skoda puncturing his tyre, and then a mk4 golf that hit the pothole causing the whole engine to cut out, and then wouldnt start. Shortly after, a jag punctured its front tyre as well.


Clearly this was not our fault, and I am going to do my damn best to get the council or whoever was responsible to pay for the repairs/new wheels, however does anyone have any experience with this, and can anyone offer any advice in terms of who i should contact and what I should say??


Its probabally worth mentioning that it transpired that both the police and thames water (there was a lot of water on the road) had been notified about the incident and nothing had been done, not even a warning sign..its a joke really!!

Edited by stevef182

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Get some pictures if you havn't already fella with a measuring stick or ruler showing how deep it is before they cover it in tarmac and say nothing was there

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If you are the first person to report it, you'll be lucky to get anything as the councils only accept its their fault IF its already been reported and they have failed to repair it within a reasonable time scale. If you and the others all claim i guess you'll have a better chance?

Good luck mate

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Apparently it had already been reported, to both the police and thames water..we also took a lot of pictures, all three of us, although didnt have a measuring stick so used my flatmates boot for scale and depth!

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Take lots of pictures, including some with a tape measure showing the size and depth of the hole (go back to the scene to take pics). Phone and write to the council immediately to advise them of the issue (make sure you write, and send it recorded delivery). Also advise that you will be getting the damage repaired and send them a bill. I'd suggest getting a few quotes to show that you took reasonable steps to get a fair price. Then just keep on and don't give up. It's only about £50 I think to go to a small claims court so keep pressing for compensation and be prepared to take them to court.


It sounds like you're back on the road with your speedlines. But if you're stuck then I have a spare set of speedlines in the garage you can borrow for a while. I'm pretty sure the tyres are still legal. I'm only down the road to you in Claygate/Esher.


Good luck.

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Get your flat mate to report it to the council before you report it just so you know it has been reported otherwise you wont be able to claim, take loads of photos of the hole and the damage and take ur car to the garage to get your suspension checked out.


I hit a pothole last winter, blew 2 tyres, the rims worent damaged but the suspension was (which i am still thankful for your help that day)


The Council refused to pay the full wack for 2 new tyres as they arent willing to replace brand new for part worn so only gave me just over half of what i paid for new. i didnt claim for the suspension tho... i really should of done!


Let me know how it goes mate

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Thanks Portent. My speedlines are barely legal but I'm going to need new wheels now so they may last until I get some.


Jacko, thanks for the advice. On that note though, I wont be able to make this Saturday now as clearly not much point adjusting the ride height of the coilovers until I sort my new wheels, real shame though, was looking forward to it! We'll do it another time once the car is back to health! :(

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Not a problem at all Steve, im flying off to Amsterdam sunday so ill use the saturday to pack and get ready instead lol

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That happened to my mum in Reading. She hit a big one in her Mk2 Jetta and it ripped the LBJ out and then when the wheel landed again the driveshaft outer CV tore off the shaft. She took pics and took them to the council but by the time she took them in they had repaved the whole road!!


I ended up inheriting the Jetta as she had lost all faith in it. Real shame.


Get as many pics as you can ASAVP and harass your local council. They should pay for everyone's repairs.

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I hit a pothole in Jan, about 200 miles after new tyres. Get lots of evidence, photos, measurements, write/email with a story with pictures (mine was a water filled hole too) stand your ground and make it clear you are serious in getting compensation. You'll probably be dealing with a council legal clerk who I'm sure is only there to make you bored and give in and probably bonused on savings against original claim values. They really do not want to go to court and I feel they only pay out to the persistent. I also started tagging potholes all over google maps and sending them links. It took me 8mths of refusing their pathetic offers before I got a full payment to cover the work I had done, tyre, laser alignment, recovery, 2 days without a car and checks of all joints and suspension. Good luck.

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Thank a lot, the process is underway, and like you I have sent a LOT of photos and evidence etc etc and plan on battling until the very end!! Fingers crossed.

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I had the same happen to me in my Audi a few years back. Buckled rim, punctured tyre and a smack to the exhaust that snapped one of the hangers and left a huge dent. Informed the highways agency and then the council quoting the highways agency ref and detailed pictures etc. Council actually coughed up nigh on £600 for all the parts which reallyy surprised me, although they did still say it was a good will payment !!

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Good news! Thames Water have replied within 2 weeks and offered to pay the full amount requested! Needless to say it's made my day!

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Definitely! Just spoke to the other chap who was the second car involved and TW called him today with the same news. They clearly realised they were at fault and have just decided to pay up - as they should! But really thought i'd have a long old fight on my hands!

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