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V Bachetta

Slow Electric Windows

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Hi People,


I have a 1990 VW Corrado, i have a few issues with this which i have a resolution for now thanks to this forum however one thing i do need help with is my electric windows. The do work however they are very slow when im trying to close them.


Any suggestions people?


Thanks for reading.



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Corrado windows aren't the fastest in the world compared to a modern car. I've just timed mine so you can guage whether yours really do have a problem; mine are approx 3 seconds to open fully and approx 4 seconds to close fully. Are yours much slower than that?

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If both windows are the same speed i.e. too slow, you have an electrical issue. If one is faster than the other, you have a mechanical issue.


This is of course assuming the car is running and has a healthy battery and alternator.

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I've found that actually when the window seals start to go they can get sticky and bind against the glass.


Also when the reg gives out, it will try to push the window up at an angle which can also cause it to bind and go up very slowly.

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Hi Guys,


Firstly, to open the windows its fine, but to close them it takes forever, longer than the 4secs mentioned in the post by Portent. I have replaced the battery when i bought it six months ago with a BOSCH one as the person who had it before me put in some unknown battery (probably some cheap tat). Alternator im unsure about, but im guessing its ok as all the rest of the electrics work (other than the issue i have with the wipers, sunroof and heaters not working from time to time which i have been told could be one of two things, the relay or water leak in to fuse box - true or not i will find out this weekend when i take a closer look).


When i beging to close, its starts off ok but then gets really really slow and then is ok and then just before the window is fully closed it gets really slow again as if its struggeling to close.


One thing, when the window is down, should the edge of the window be in the seal or is there naturally a gap when the window is more than half way down?

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...One thing, when the window is down, should the edge of the window be in the seal or is there naturally a gap when the window is more than half way down?


yeah, the glass is a tapered shape so the C pillar edge opens up a gap, perfectly normal there.

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I think the problem is more of a machanical issue, ill have a look at it this weekend by stripping down the door. On another note does anyone know what number is on the Wiper Relay in the fuse box?

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