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Corrado Floor mats

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Can these still be bought?


Last time I see a set new for sale, it was on ebay & they were going for over £50 :shock:


Surely these can be got cheaper??

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I got a set from justmatz.co.uk, they were £40 quid and you can have whatever colour and piping you like! They are really good quality and the corrado logo looks excellent :lol:


As for the vw mats, they show up as obsolete but i think milton keynes did have a few left, there not very good quality though :(

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When I asked back in September last year VW mats were still available but apparently are cr4p quality and at £50 you're better off buying some good quality after market C branded ones...


joebrent, are these tailored to be the right shape for the C or is it one size fits all?

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I have a set of black mats (minus drivers mat) that I could sell....


Probably not interested though, seeing as thought it's not a full set.

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VW do sell mats, but they really are pants.. I bought a set last year at the bargain price of £56, expecting them to be like the ones advertised on the US eBay (thick carpet, stitched Corrado lettering, etc) - in reality they were thin, with the Corrado lettering printed on, and foam backed. Certainly NOT worth £56 in my opinion.


Definately worth getting some from a custom car mats place, as mentioned above.

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Original floor mats are everyday selling on ebay! For only 50$ US and you can even choose the colour! :) Pretty nice! I didn´t bought them yet, because i bought a new set recently (not original, but very similar) for only 15 Euros! I couln´t resist the price! :mrgreen:

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Or you could try euro car parts for them in any colour you like so long as it's black. Just ordered a set this morning for £25 + VAT and I'm picking them up from my local ECP branch tomorrow. Hope this helps 8)

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  Phil K said:
When I asked back in September last year VW mats were still available but apparently are cr4p quality and at £50 you're better off buying some good quality after market C branded ones...


joebrent, are these tailored to be the right shape for the C or is it one size fits all?


Yeah mate all there mats are tailored especially for the cars. I had to wait a while for them and had to chase up the guy but i got a good discount because of it :lol:


the guy who runs justmatz (and the guy i had to chase!) was in PVW either this issue or last issue(cant remember), he owns a heavily modded mk4. I cant fault them for quality though

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the guy who runs justmatz (and the guy i had to chase!)



you mean you had to wait for yours??i think i waited 2 months for mine

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I waited about 4 weeks then i started to chase them, after about a couple of cock-ups on their behalf, first they wernt ordered when i originally placed the order, then the wrong quality came in, i recieved them after about 5/6 weeks. what are ya not impressed with mate?

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the backs on mine are white,and i spilt a bit of lager on them when i was at a show and they went mouldy,and ive had to take the drivers side mat out because it dont fit right and its very stiff,and stops me giving full throttle,and i paid £60 for them

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My backs are black and they fit perfectly, i only got myne a few weeks ago, maybe theyve changed their supplier?

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  Hans G60.nl said:
you can allso buy them with the wolfsburg logo




i think he allso sends to the uk, just mail him for prices.




Why would you want Wolfsburg logos in a Corrado? They weren't built there, they were built in Onnasbruck (probably spelt better though! ;) ) :roll:

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The "Printed" type mats are the OE ones! Having bought a replacement set last year I don't think the quality is that bad actually, but in saying that I mean that they don't wear out too badly.


You might find a fancy stitched mat, but it may wear out in a couple of years - at least the VW ones won't do that.



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  biggrim said:
Picked these up today 8)


Are those from epc? You got a part or product number?



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