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Breaking Black non sunroof 1995 Corrado L041 parts pag 1

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Hi Vicki, just to let you know. The colour code is LO41 rather than TO41.






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I'm interested in the tailgate spoiler if it's unmarked. I know you've bundled it together but can you wrap it and send it?


Do you still have the front fog/indicator units? Are they undamaged? Is a photo possible? PM for my email if so.

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  efil4sbuD said:
I'm interested in the tailgate spoiler if it's unmarked. I know you've bundled it together but can you wrap it and send it?


Do you still have the front fog/indicator units? Are they undamaged? Is a photo possible? PM for my email if so.

I am sure the spoiler is unmarked, I will check in the next couple of days as everything is kept at my mums house. I only have the drivers indicator which has a hairline crack in it. I will forward you the pics shortly.


Also, in response to supercharged will and Sam.l sorry, they have sold. Riley - thankyou I am so dippy at the moment!

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Hi, did you sell the late drivers front wing in the end? If not, would you consider posting it? Someone was kind enough to reverse into me and leave me with a nice dent on mine :-( thanks.

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I am after a replacement plastic peice on my passenger door. Its that silly little triangleat the front of the door, just behind the mirror on the outside.


Do you still have this ?


Let me know with price and paypal odds and sods if you have :)





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Hi, I'm after all the carpet retainers for a black carpet and the front doorcard retaining clips which hold the bottom of the doorcards. Please let me know if you have any?


Also do you have the wing mirror?


I will take the late indicator and wiper stalks, if you still have them.



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Do you have any of these items please?

- Late drivers side front wing

- Early bonnet

- Passenger side door (preferably with working window motor?)

- late headlights

Thanks, Sam.


---------- Post added at 2:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 2:21 PM ----------


Do you have any of these items please?

- Late drivers side front wing

- Early bonnet

- Passenger side door (preferably with working window motor?)

- late headlights

Thanks, Sam.

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So sorry for the late reply, I only have the rear spoiler and rear bumper and some engine bits and Pobs left.

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interested in alternator, aux belt tensioner and front nearside indicator bulb holder, provided its all in good cond what would you do price wise posted? cheers

Edited by p0l1wrath

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Hi Vicki,


I was wondering if you still had the rear bumper for sale?


If so, what is the condition like? Would you be able to send some pictures?


How much do you want for it and what would be the cost to deliver it to London?





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