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Storm Monkey

Bodywork Spot repairs

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Hey Guys,


I've managed to pick up a few (hundred) stone chips and the odd scratch (Girlfriend, Tree, Car door, not happy :( ), and its about time I got them fixed. Has anybody ever used these spot repair companies (Chips Away, Dentmaster etc) that airbrush over the damage? I've heard that they look good to start with, but the paint is water based, and can faid over a few years. If they are any good, how much does it cost. I have lot that needs fixing (on 3 cars), so would be after some sort of bulk deal.



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Just thought Id ask again to see if anyone has ever used Chips Away before and know of there quality? Ive decided not to sell my G60 and want to treat her instead by getting rid of all the stone chips on the bonnet and bumper.




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Later Corrados had water based paint from the factory anyway! Or where you referring to the paint Chips away et al use?


It's best to get the whole bonnet and leading edges of the wings resprayed to be honest, with proper Standox or Glasurit paint. There is no better quality than these two and are harder wearing (much so) than the standard water based rubbish.


Chips away etc generally have fixed prices per panel but if you've got a shed load of chips on the bonnet, they normally recommend a resprayed bonnet anyway because by the time they've had a go at it, you'd be better off getting the whole panel done.


Just my 2ps worth.

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My Corrado is a 1992 K plate and is Moonlight Blue, and they said it wouldn't be a problem with it being metallic.


They quoted me about £100 to touch up the whole car which I didn't think was too bad but it was a verbal quote when I saw them advertising at a supermarket and they didn't see the car, just told them what it was and the paint colour and the amount of chips on the bonnet and bumper. It'll be Coventry's Chips Away Car Centre that im going to use. Think 'Storm Monkey' was referring to the paint that 'Chips Away' use and its durability over a few years.

Im after something to tide the car over for the year as I'll try and get the car resprayed properly late next year.


Thanks for your response.



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I had a local guy do some keyed scratches on the side of my car just as a sort of stop gap tidy up job until I can have it resprayed.He has made a good enough job of it and from a distance it looks good and tidy,which is what I wanted. :)

On very close inspection its not brilliant,but hey it was cheap :)

Next step is to get the dentmaster guy out to do the dings in the doors.

Long term a respray is the best option but for a quick fix I can recommend the chips away type companies. :)

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I wanna get dentmaster out too - how do you go about it? Is it true they just come out to your house and sort it there?

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Bojmobile, Yeah thats true they come to you,wherever you are.

I`m going to get a local guy to do mine 8)

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