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Can't say anything that hasnt been said before. But not good to find.


I do have a passenger wing you can have if you cover the postage. No rust would just need a respray to match yoir colour.

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I am absolutely incensed by this sort of thing. I don't understand how some people can think that behaviour like this is acceptable. I'm both furious and gutted on your behalf.


I know I have some wing mirrors kicking around but you have already been offered those and mine are blackberry so not the correct colour, but if I find anything else that may be useful then I'll let you know. Good luck getting everything sorted out



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Looks much better after the work you did today...all will be good mate dont you worry :)

Good to hear you're getting stuck in before you get too discouraged. Probably a good job you didn't catch up with them, we all know who'd end up in trouble if they slipped into the road and broke their legs...


Best of luck getting it sorted back out.



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Gutted for you. As the others have said though, don't lose heart, it's your car and if you give up on it, it means the *******s have won. The older I get, the more I realise good people often get dumped on, and scum walk away unscathed. All I can add is karma.....

Chin up, sleep on it for a few days then start to take up the generous offers of free parts on here ;)

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Hanging is not good enough for these scumbags!!


Stu I don't know where your based but I have a steering column and probably the lock mech etc out of the valver I dismantled which you can have for the postage.

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Words can't describe this feeling huh? Another generation of d**k heads that shouldn't be allowed to breed.


I've got a couple of extra wings in green but one has rust and a VR6 (shiny) leather steering wheel?

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I don't have any parts that I can offer (I would if I did!) but you have my sympathies!


As everyone has already said, scumbags like this should be locked up. I just hope that karma works its magic and they get run over by a car!!

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You have all made me smile so much and I am so happy to be part of this forum you have all been amazing. I have only just been able to catch up with my post and I am just bowled over by how many of you guys are supporting me. To all of you who have offered parts, I honestly cannot thank you enough and it means the world to me that I may be able to get my car back and going again.


I have had a look at the car again today and started to unbolt the parts that are scrap and I have to say in many ways how I feel lucky that the car didnt hit the church wall at an angle and only scraped it at speed.


As for the low lifes who tried stealing it , they really are the lowest common denominator of wasters that just really are not even worth thinking about!!!


All I can say is, I will happily be the first in line to promote a CAT 1 alarm group buy.


Once again guys, thankyou.

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Many thanks mate, an alarm is definately on my list of things to sort when I can, I think the original and barely functional Clifford concept 50 may not have exactly detered the chav's but it stopped it starting!! I honestly cannot praise even the cheapest functioning alarm after seeing what can happen.. I have just sent you a PM. I cannot say thankyou enough.

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You could start off with a cheaper and more immediate solution I guess.. those great big discloc or crooklock things are supposed to be fairly good and whilst the goons might start swinging off the column and bend it / damage it, a new one isn't too expensive off a breaker!

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Dug the mirror out mate, its sherry in colour not blue - bad memory :lol:


Send me your address and i'll get it posted as soon as i can. Not sure when i'll get chance to post it though, it maybe easier to get it collected if you can arrange it.

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Sorry to hear this, and hope you stick with it and manage to get it sorted.


My Mk2 was nicked just before Xmas. Caused a bit of a headache as they abandoned the car on a double yellow so it ended up in brent car pound and cost me £300 to get it out of there! They broke a window and have made a real mess of the steering column and the wiring. Column has twisted almost 60 degrees when they broke the steering lock. Part of me wanted to give up and sell/break the car, but then I dont really want the scumbags to win. Decided to fix it in the end. Second hand parts have all been really cheap, and its mainly just my time I need to give up to fix it and its also an opportunity to learn a few things.


Chin up matey, plently of support for you on this here forum. Oh and get yourself a stoplock as well as a Cat 1. I got a hardly used one of ebay for £10, massive bright yellow thing. Gate-horse-bolted etc, but its a great visual deterrant and should greatly reduce the chance of it happening again.

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so sorry for the bad news mate, really got to wonder what goes through these w"$k*rs minds..!!!!! in a twisted way, your fortunate..... because if you had caught one of them you would be standing in front of the crown tomorrow morning and that car can"t rebuild itself!!! i think now theres only one thing to do..... build it bigger and better!!!!!(and the security,).. hope all goes well with it though :-)

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Can't really offer any new words of condolence :(


If you find them and want someone to remove their gonads though, I'd be more than happy to help.

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Where abouts in the world are you? If you are near me I will happily come and help you out.

Apart from that I don't have any spare parts, but offer my sympathies. Hopefully the scoats will get hit by a bus or develop a terminal disease. Karma

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Hello mate and many thanks for the offer of help I live a fair distance away down in south wales :o(. All seems to be coming apart ok so far. I have started to dismantle the insides to fix the column and the steering and indicator and all is looking no worse than expected thank god. Many thanks for your offer of help, maybe if I ever see the idiots that did it, instead of the usual group buys.... we could have a "GROUP KICKING"!!!!!!



Where abouts in the world are you? If you are near me I will happily come and help you out.

Apart from that I don't have any spare parts, but offer my sympathies. Hopefully the scoats will get hit by a bus or develop a terminal disease. Karma


---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 PM ----------


Hello mate and many thanks for the offer of help I live a fair distance away down in south wales :o(. All seems to be coming apart ok so far. I have started to dismantle the insides to fix the column and the steering and indicator and all is looking no worse than expected thank god. Many thanks for your offer of help, maybe if I ever see the idiots that did it, instead of the usual group buys.... we could have a "GROUP KICKING"!!!!!!



Where abouts in the world are you? If you are near me I will happily come and help you out.

Apart from that I don't have any spare parts, but offer my sympathies. Hopefully the scoats will get hit by a bus or develop a terminal disease. Karma

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City link attempted delivery of the steering column today according to the tracking so you may well have to arrange to collect it from depot tomorrow or they will redeliver it on Monday.

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Hello mate and many thanks for the update will pm you now :D.




City link attempted delivery of the steering column today according to the tracking so you may well have to arrange to collect it from depot tomorrow or they will redeliver it on Monday.

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Very upsetting to read this story - but great to hear all the support - if I had any spare parts going I'd have offered them too! We cannot let scum like this 'win' - good to hear you are attempting to get it fixed up again.


Keep us posted on the fix-up

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Have sent you pm but pictures don't want to work for me? Here is the pic of the wheel and wings.


All the best




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