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Spoiler problem

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Hi Guys


My spoiler is only going a little bit up instead of all the way i wondering would the cold have broke anything due to the ice it was working fine last night, hope its nothing serious.

has anyone had this problem themselves


kind regards



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May be dirt or just need greasing inside.


Firstly does it do this when using button and automatically? Have you tried raising it manually using the winder in the boot lid? (take panel off and pull the knob and then turn).

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hi gaz not tried that yet thank u will try when i get home :) it sometimes goes all the way on the switch then others it doesnt i have sprayed abit of wd40 in to stop freezing again i cant remember if there is a spped sensor fuse for 45mph because it will not raise then either




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on further examination i have found that it had frozen from washing the car a couple of days ago :)


few was getting worried for a bit then


---------- Post added at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 PM ----------


on further examination i have found that it had frozen from washing the car a couple of days ago :)


few was getting worried for a bit then


---------- Post added at 03:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:27 PM ----------


on further examination i have found that it had frozen from washing the car a couple of days ago :)


few was getting worried for a bit then

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Interesting. A couple of winters ago, it got as low as -10C and mine didn't freeze up once!


Id often thought about this myself. Could the spoiler ever be frozen down - but in 7 years of owning corrados, its not ever happened.

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He could have washed it with the spoiler up - I know I do :) Just need to mop out from under it with a bit of rag before you let it retract to avoid any issues. There are a few places moisture pools on mine if the airflow doesn't disturb it when driving.



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Bad news guys looks like things are a bit worst sorry to ask again went ot work this morning and again te the spoiler did not raise thought ice again but its warmed up a bit not and the spooiler has decided to do wot it want sometimes when pressing the button to raise it the spoile goes half way then stops and others it lifts all the way (same on automatic lift 45mph) and others it doesnt move at all :(

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You need to strip the mechanism down. Derust / declog it, regrease and reassamble. And do it sooner rather than later because the motor doesn't like straining against a seized mechanism and it will burn out. And if that happens, it's hello £550+VAT (5 years ago price!) because the motor is not available seperately.


Surprised it hasn't been blowing the fuse!


It's a common problem and I'm sure someone has documented it somewhere.

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what sort of lube do you put inside it Fishwick?


got mine in bits and noticed the inside of them black tubes is all worn, like its been rubbing together.


I'd also got the problem of it not going up/down all in one movement, kept stopping

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I think I used Silkolene synthetic grease IIRC.


When I did mine, the cables barely moved by hand, so it's no wonder the motor struggles!

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That's it /\ !


Picture 4 shows the cable I was talking about. Looks like a diamond rope cutter. Mine were totally dry and rusty. VW didn't put anywhere near enough grease in there at the factory, if any at all. Instead relying on the PTFE sections rubbing on plastic, but it's not enough.

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