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Rear engine mount on a 16v

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I'm getting a fairly violent "clonk" when dipping the clutch to change up a gear. Mostly into second but a bit into third gear.

The top hose split and the plastic t-piece which bolts to the head broke together last week with no obvious explanation.

I'm putting two and two together and thinking that an engine mount is weak or broken.


I think backwards movement could explain the pipe and the clonk?


Is this a known problem?

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Most typical engine mount failure is the front mounting. With power on the engine will lift at the front, and of the mount is faulty there be a clink as you put it when power off. The rear mount symptoms are a horrible vibration or grinding noise felt through the floor and steering when power on, this seems to vanish on power off. I would suggest your front mount has become faulty. Easy test is handbrake firmly on, while an observer watches the engine movement while the clutch is eased up with the car in gear as if to take up the drive. If the front mount is faulty the engine will have excessive lift and there will be a clink as the drive power is taken off.



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Apologies for my predictive text, ie "clink" bl##dy thing!!



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had a couple of rear 4cyl mounts go recently, the front one is easy to diagnose as they physically pull themselves apart, but i had similar symptoms to a front mount starting to go when the rear was dying too, rears do about 130K or so in my experience then need swapping.

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Thank you for the advice. I'll take a peek before work and check it out.


What are my options for new mounts? I don't trust GSF rubber bits.

Are there solid or uprated ones for sensible money?



A clink sounds nicer than a clonk..

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I have vibratech mounts on mine, with the front being solid. They were on when I bought the car, and receipts show they were fitted in 2008 at TSR in Bridgewater. All is well, and I think they are pretty good, with no excessive vibration at idle. They aren't cheap though iirc, but you may be able to get a good deal on them. Also never heard of any problems with pattern parts from GSF/ECP if your sceptical about them.

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Go VW, Vibratechnics or an insert a la the recent group buy. I wouldn't buy rubber stuff from GSF/ECP/VW spares. False economy imho.

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Damn! That is one knackered front mount. I think the bonnet was holding the engine in!


From above it looks a fairly simple thing. I'll take it off tomorrow and see if I can fabricate a solid one.

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