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Hit & Run...

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Just came across this too!


Gutted for you Chris, especially on such a clean car like yours. What a d**k to not stop and to just laugh at ya I would have seen red and just end up ramming his car off the road. I think you were sensible in the decision to stop chasing. Lets hope they string him up for leaving the scene of an accident.


Keep us posted, if you find out his address, maybe post it on here for a group "chat".

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Can't believe they had the audacity to laugh at u whilst u were alongside them. Can't believe this even happened at all, what a couple of f'ing scrotes!!!!! Really hope u get a good result mate, I've had a couple of scrapes completely not being my fault and being out of pocket afterwards it ain't nice.


if you find out his address, maybe post it on here for a group "chat".


Hell yeah!!

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Cheers Guys,


Well its been 2 weeks today since it happened and I would like to congratulate the Police for doing absolutely SOD ALL!!! I havent heard a thing from them, I called last week but they said they have 6 months to get it sorted one way or another! The guy on the phone said he would email the officer dealing with it and get him to contact me, and I've heard.....nothing!


Don't want to go through insurance because chances are he will deny it and if he does admit an accident its likely he'll say I hit him and because of no witnesses it will be 50/50. I was hoping the police would see him, he admits leaving the scene of an accident and I then go through insurance as it would be seen more likely that he hit me.


Cant believe this has led me to look at maybe selling the RS's to pay for the damage and incase it happened again doesn't ruin the wheels.

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Sods law that mate it seems in this day that the bad get good and the good get **** all over !! Ill have to pop round to see the car soon , i hate to say but i would have atleast followed him home so you knew wher he lived that way wen the police do sweet fuk all you can go jump on his head for damaging the car ! It seems alot of this is going on lately my car getting keyed yours crashed in to some one just vandalised my sisters car last nigjt so spent a couple of hours tonight machine polishing big scratches out of hers !! If i wer you mate id just find him and kick fuk out of him there and then when hes bleeding in a slump take allthe money out of his wallet to recoupe some monies for the damage he caused, at the end of the day he deserves to die for being a prick ........ Rant over ... I think

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oh mate, not good! I would have thought the police would have wanted to go straight round to his to get a breath test to check for alcohol. Sadly, I reckon its going to be tough to prove if it was actually him driving the car at the time. Put all the details on here ie car spec, reg and what he looks like and maybe he will get spotted again and a bit of careful undercover detective work he could be followed home unnoticed. Then go see if he still smiling.


I dont condone violence at all but situations like this make me mad!

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Damn mate, this **** ****es me right off and it's not even my car! God if that happened to me I would be seriously ****ed off. Really feel for you mate yours is such a nice rado as well...

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****ers. Science is on your side they can match paint nowadays.


I assume you have already rang your insurance to tell them what happened and gave his plate. They really do fight your corner if you ring first to put a claim against another party.


Had it at work, some polish bellend reversed into a mates car and drove off. Had his plate and details and all was sorted with a couple of phone calls.


Good luck.

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I had a flake of paint on my bumper but the police said that doesnt matter, it costs to much to do any paint matches. They havent even been to see my car!


I havent rung my insurance company as there didnt seem any point until the police had seen the other driver. I seriously thought the police would have gone to see him on the night it happened especially since I rang 999 while following the car. If they see him now after 2 weeks he's just gonna say he cant remember.

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Sorry to hear about that. Seems to be happening a lot these years, as more and more scum are driving, making accidents and making a run for it afterwards. Hope you get it sorten in a good way.




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its absolutely crap to hear about this mate, I bet if it was a flashy merc the police would be knocking on his door straight away. I say we round up some corrado's and go collect some money! Then we'll see how long it takes for the police to visit his house!

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