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Corrado tipping rack

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I can remember seeing ages ago a Corrado on some form of tipping rack. It secured to the car at each end and lifted the car up allowing you to rotate the car to get to the underside. IIRC the pic in question was related to rust on the underside.


Just want to have a look at the pic to see how the rack was set up. Planning on cleaning up the underside after the summer to prevent rust and repair a few patches of damaged under seal. so just seeing whats the best way to get to the underside other than jacking it up and putting it on stands.

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Presumably you need to have totally drained all fluids before attempting this otherwise they'll just leak out everywhere? Well, certainly oil and fuel...?

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The one that I used to roll mine over picks up on the front and rear chassis legs where the bumpers bolt to. If it were me I'd take the engine out, things like tailgate bumpers and doors off as they're quite heavy. Last of all are you sure you really want to? Lol.

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Thanks guys. couldn't find it earlier. Like most things just and idea, I could just remember seeing it ages ago and thought that was a good idea but defo not as simple as first thought.


The under side of my car defo needs looking at and I know if I ignore it any longer it will bite me in the ass a few years down the line. So just doing my research now.

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I cannot begin to explain how scared I would be of turning my car upside down, I get concerned jacking it up at times incase it happens to fall off the jack. Is there nobody you know that could let you borrow a ramp for some beer tokens? Would make life a lot easier. Either that or buy some ramps and park it on top of them, not a massive load of room but enough to manoeuvre around underneath without worrying worrying about your car being upside down!

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Tbh a spit would be easier than being laid under it when the car is on ramps. Depends how far you want to go really. I could tell you the main bits that I found on my car but there are bits of rust that you find also where the underseal is in tact and you think how the hell did that get there. It also gets to you at times and you think about just giving it up, but it is worth it in the end. Would you be removing all the underseal or just the known problem parts on your car?

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I would like to do the whole of the underside just to be on the safe side, plus I don't do things by half's!


I just know if I leave it now I will be paying for it later

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Cool that's the best way and will be worth it. I reckon I caught mine at the right time and not much welding was required. The only thing that bugs me is you can't get all the rust but I'd say you can get 98% of it.

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I didn't everything came off, my cars getting a major overhaul also so it will be built up with new bushes, brake lines etc. I can imagine leaving things on underneath would make it a lot harder.

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haha fair enough, I will cross that bridge when i come to it then :D

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