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Rear axle bushes????

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What are the symptoms of knackerd rear axle bushes


it started off with the rear passenger side crashing loudly over potholes and bumps

but both sides sound shot now


can you change them yourself i've read else where that its a big job

someone on here must have done them and could tell me the script


also is it best to stick to OE or would an upgrade be a better idea


thanks guys

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What are the symptoms of knackerd rear axle bushes


You answered your own question.....also if the back will feel flappy in corners!


can you change them yourself i've read else where that its a big job

someone on here must have done them and could tell me the script



many times! Its a bit of a arse if you have'nt ever changed the flexi hoses before, otherwise tis easy. Rear axle has to come off, and its excellent fun geting the bushes out...flames, hamers :evil:

You can put the powerflex ones in by hand!


also is it best to stick to OE or would an upgrade be a better idea


Up to you - horses for courses - How do you drive and what is your current suspension setup are good questions to ask yourself! You wont be able to put VAG ones in yourslef tho.

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VAG ones can be hammered in but it's not a pleasant job. Need to make sure the VAG bush sits 8mm proud of the axle and it's at the right angle, and that's pretty much the only thing you need to watch for.


Can be done with axle stands but it's not a job I'd fancy myself!


Symptoms of knackered ones.....well, there's a couple really. The rear end feels lazy in following the front wheels and you get a fair amount of body rocking traversing bumps etc. If the rear struts don't snappily absorb the bumps and they're known to be good, suspect the bushes. Kind of feels like there's a delay in the wheel going over the bump and the resultant shock coming through the chassis. Not pleasant.



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