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fitting triangle by mirror

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hi got my car back from bodyshop shop and i am putting it back together,whats the best way to fit the exterior plastic triangle trim by the mirror.i cant get it tho slide into the rubber door seal when the seals fitted to the door.cheers

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From memory it's tough to do with the wingmirror in place but will go.

With the door and window open try standing with your legs against the door card, right arm though the window and left between the door and A pillar.. Hmm sound difficult to explain.

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From experience, literally in the last week... make sure there are 2 of you to avoid damage and unscrew the front wing mirror screw, to do this simply twist the mirror inwards. Next twist it the other way so the mirror is facing outwards and undo the second screw a couple of turns to allow you to pull the mirror out the way just enough to be able to hook the triangle under the seal and in place.


The second person in this scenario will have to hold the mirror and watch out for the front screw so it doesn't damage the paint as you spin the wing mirror, its easier just to leave it in than take it out, you could always undo both screws but I was lazy and just span the mirror so I didn't have to line the screws back up and it didn't pull the wire through too much.


Hope that helps, oh and make sure the clips are lined up in the hole before you start pushing it inwards... or you'll end up with a post like mine titled: Wanted... door triangles without broken tab...

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ive done it straight away today without takeing mirror off,its mad how you cant do things if you are knackerd with a hangover lol

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