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Thinking or spraying my plastic side trim

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I'm thinking of spraying my outside plastic side trims (the ones that go down the middle of the car) to restore their blackness. How are they held on? Also if anyone has done this then should I laquer the trim afterwards for protection? I'm assuming I should rub down, primer, then several top coats of a satin black. But I'm not sure whether to laquer them. It will add protection to the paint but I guess would make then shiny which is not what I'm trying to achieve.


I'm just trying to restore them to proper black OEM rather than have to keep putting oil on them for an "ok" result every few weeks.

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They're self-adhesive. Warm the glue as you peel them off and try not to bend them or they'll not go back on straight.

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Was only just talking about the stupid middle side trim with some friends the other week! The one that sits on the wing and the one that sits on the rear quarter always stays glossy black but the middle one seems to be a different material and always fades / goes grey!


I don't see why satin blacking it wouldn't work! :)

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Thanks for the replies. I'll probably wait until I get a few body work issues sorted and then tackle it as I don't want to peel them off twice if they may bend. I've been spraying a few minor bits of trim recently and the difference is startling. The only problem is that once you start doing it you have to do the bit next to it... and so on :)


I think I'll avoid a coating of laquer. I did put some on the inner door handles to protect against grease on peoples hands. But it is a little too shiny for the matt exterior trim.

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That damn door moulding, thought it was just mine that faded!


Anyway I put a coating of G Techniq's C4 over all my black trim (seals and gutter rails) and it has done the job...and no more fading.


Prob not as good as new or re-painting them, but a huge improvement, and it lasts which is the important thing!


Just a heads up anyway :)

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Was only just talking about the stupid middle side trim with some friends the other week! The one that sits on the wing and the one that sits on the rear quarter always stays glossy black but the middle one seems to be a different material and always fades / goes grey!


That's why I colour coded mine. I hated them in black. They just looked like like giant, ungainly peices of liquorice stuck to the side of the car.

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^^ I like mine in black though. I like the contrast against a silver car or, in my case, grey. They come up micely when I treat them with a blackening oil (forget which I use). But I know I can get a better result with spraying.


Not sure whether to keep the doro handles black or colour code those though.

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I think standard door handles look better in black as intended, but obviously flush/aftermarket handles are better colour coded. Just be careful when peeling the moulding off that it doesn't take your basecoat with it! :censored:

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when I removed mine I found that the door had been dented, filled and resprayed without the removal of the bump strips, imagine my surprise when I removed them!

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@portent i have a spare door strip if you would like one to pratcice on and see if laquering is the desired affect you are after??

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