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24V Renshaw

Do I sell the Recaros....?

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Now I know for some this is worthy of shooting for even suggesting the idea, but I am toying with the thought of selling my Recaros (factory electric, heated, black leather).


Now the reason quite simply is I really like the seats, but I prefer Recaro sportster CS's and I could sell my Recaros for probably about the same money as a set.


I drive my car to work and back every day (60 mile round trip) and also go and have a bit of fun in it now and then.... I am aiming to make it a bit more track bias soon and as such think the Sportsters, particularly in half leather are more suited, especially as they are much lighter than the factory Recaros.


So given the choice what would people do?



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Prefer the period correct charm of the Originals but suspect the CS are a superior set, depends on whether you value keeping it 'together' as a broadly stock Corrado or is the lure of track fun the stronger pull

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This is my dilemma mate. Am I just keeping it stock (ish) for the sake of it..

I don't think a set of sportsters detracts too much?

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Both lovely seats, I'm also after a set of Recaro front seats. If you do decide that you want to go more towards track use, the CS's would be more in keeping IMO.


If you find a set you like, appreciate first refusal if you go down that route. Hope all is well anyway

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Well I suspect it won't impact on values so it makes sense to do what makes you happy

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i think there's far more things to concentrate on first than selling a decent set of seats if you want to look at changing the overall look/spec of the car.

Thats unless you're about to get a great deal on Vick's interior buying the lot :dance:

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Do not sell it. Just fit cs on corrado recaro subframes, if you don't like it or you will change your mind you can always go back. Sold my cloth recaro few years ago and still regret it as can't find subframes now to fit my recaro A8's

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Keep them mate, save up and just buy the others out right and store the recaros.. Not many corrado`s have that high spec and it would be good to keep it that way.

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I always suggest to do what you want to do while you own the car, no point keeping or building something just because some guy in the future might prefer it.


I would rather enjoy mine now then think about future resale values, its only a shell with bits fixed to it at the end of the day and all these picky owners we consider are actually ourselves

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Both lovely seats, I'm also after a set of Recaro front seats. If you do decide that you want to go more towards track use, the CS's would be more in keeping IMO.


If you find a set you like, appreciate first refusal if you go down that route. Hope all is well anyway


I had a feeling you would be on here!! :D

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Stick the Recaros in the loft and buy the CSs for track use. In an age where MK2 switch blanks sell for £120, you really should hang onto the seats as an investment. They could end up being your pension :D

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Go with your gut instinct mate, they're not going to last forever, at the end of the day they're only a pair of seats! I understand everyone wants their car to be perfect in their own eyes, if you arent feeling the recaros then sell them, buy the ones you want, albeit once theyre gone You're unlikely to get another chance but Life's too short to be worrying about a pair of seats. It's not like you haven't got plenty of other styles to chose from!


Ask yourself why you want to keep them, if you adore them and see them as a work of art, keep them! If your only holding onto them because they are rare and don't really appreciate them then I'd sell them on, buy the ones you want and then take the family out for a day out or something? :)

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