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Passenger Side Dash Compartment - Fixings?

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I'm currently trying my best to secure every possible fixing part on the interior of my Corrado and re-newing any missing or broken clips.


I'm stuck on the passenger side lower dash compartment (below the glove box) I believe there are x3 screws on the very front underside, bang below the glove box. X2 on the side which screw into the centre console.


Now at the rear there appears to be two large-ish holes which I believe fastens it to the footwell area using the big plastic screw/push studs? When the dash compartment is fastened using the above screws these holes in the rear of the compartment line up with threads sticking out the carpet - but for the life of me I can't get any of these fixings to take, they just pop out.


Can any one confirm how the dash compartment should fasten and if I'm doing anything wrong?

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I believe you're doing it correctly as I had exactly the same trouble.

I think the console just needs to be pushed and held in place for you to get the studs on (maybe do the studs first and then the screws). I twisted mine on rather than pushing them as they never seemed to go on very far and then popped off as yous have.

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I've always screwed/twisted them on too. I think one of them (Or maybe both, can't remember) also have a black countersunk type screw on thing that sort of clamps the carpet tight against the floor first, then the finsihing caps screw into those.



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Nice one boys, thanks for the info, I'll have another go today. :)



Sent from my iPhone

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