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What would you do?....Tin worm

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Evening, I'm contemplating having a go as some rust over the long weekend....




and am just after a bit of advice what I'm best doing. I have a big bubble just under the filler cap, which i know can be abit of a problem, and also a bit just on the join in the back panel.


I was thinking of getting a wire brush and sand paper on it, then go over with some rust remover, anti rust primer and some colour just to tidy it up as much as I can.

Then when i can afford get it sorted properly.


Just worried it may be a bit deep and i will end up with holes in the panel?


Has anyone had much experience with this before as its going to be my first attempt.



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None of that looks severe enough to have gone through the metal, although bear in mind, once you've taken all the rust off, spraying with rattle cans will probably make it more noticable than before because of dodgy reflections/blending.

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I might not know what I'm talking about (and someone will correct me) but I think your petrol cap will be rotten through (I believe it's rusted inside out from water and crud flicked up by the rear wheel). It'll need to be cut out and replaced.


That part on the back of the car will be a home job though, looks to me like you have the right idea on how to tackle it as well.

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Rust is always worse than it looks, that will be right through the panel I reckon, best get it properly sorted ASAP or it will just be harder to fix.

Corrosion from behind the filler is a problem on c's now, they really need cleaning and inspecting and protecting from behind regularly due too all the crud that gets stuck up there in the arch

Edited by davidwort

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Sorting rust on mine at the moment, has ended up being quite a task finding all the rust, especially the bits underneath the underseal.


Used a grinder for the first time and took it to the corrado.


Im using the por15 range of rust treatment, then cavity treatment and a wax, and going to have a go with the schutz gun over that.


Luckily all my rear end is fine, is the front on mine thats suffered.


Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk 2

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yep thats had it, best way to attack it would be to remove the filler cap assembley and go at it with a wire wheel on a grinder {also use flap discs and grinding discs} and a dremel for tight spots just get it all back to bare metal , but i garuntee you there will be holes, rust is allways worse then it looks, but look on the bright side! its fixable, i dont know how you are with tools but you can do it diy,

your just need , time, grinder,petrol filler cap repair section, mig welder cups of tea and some balls. get that rust on the back end ground out ASAP and put this stuff on it,

http://www.rust.co.uk/popup.cfm?p_i=501025&p_n=501025 then touch up with some colour coded touch up paint, its better then leaving it to rot, the petrol filler cap area needs cutting and welding for sure so dont worry about that now, idd concentrate on saveing the back end otherwise in a few months that will need cutting out and welding,


worst case scenario is , you grind out all the rust and you get a shed load of holes, once rust is ground out treat the areas with that stuff ^ then filler the lot

smooth it all out and touch up, atleast you have slowed down the rust, and it seems most of the area would be hidden by the petrol flap anyway,

Edited by VW_OwneR_85

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If yours is a pearl colour I would stay away from spray cans even after lacquer it really doesn't match, the flecks in the spray don't have the same effect as the original paint ! A good match is needed then blended properly worth splashing out for a professional job a small area shouldn't cost to much either.

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You might be lucky, but be prepared for a MASSIVE bare metal area once all the crumbled paint and rot is removed.


When I derusted that area from behind, I discovered VW hadn't put any underseal up there at all. Probably couldn't get the robot arm up there, or some slack Friday afternoon manual job. Not sure if that's true of all Corrados, but looks likely as they all rust around there.


As well as that, where the central locking arm passes through the double skin is also a rot trap.


Personally speaking, I would sooner have a mismatched paint area than THAT! At least the metal is protected. Leaving the rust to go about it's business destroying the whole panel will have much worse consequences.

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by the looks of it, it will only be a small area that would get touched up anyway, might aswell slow it down and treat it, deffo use that epoxy primer on it,

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I find that once these patches are treated in a DIY fashion, it stops spreading. Sometimes you might get the odd bubble reappear, but that's better than losing the panel!

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Cheers for the replies guys, I'm going to take a brave pill and have a poke around in a min and see what I can find, will keep you posted!

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Watch you dont fall in, I predict a big hole!!!! First thing I did when I got my car was clean out that area. Even after powerwashing it was crazy the amount of dirt that was still trapped in it. It should be done at least once a year I reckon.

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Well 10 points to whoever said hole! Dear me...




I have tried to dig out as much of the rust as I can, and then used some rust converter then some zinc primer to coat it.

Although with no welding stuff i have had to just use body filler and try and build it up.

Also while I was at it I thought id look at a couple of other areas too.




Feeling a little in over my head! Hopefully it will be ok as an interim till I can afford the time and money to get it done properly at the body-shop.

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Fair play for giving it a crack, it's better to do something than ignore it. I've treated rust in those exact areas including reforming the original filler, it's tricky for sure!

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yes m8 that feeling "in over your head" i know it, been there done that, but how you gota look at is , you cant make it any worse, it was already like that under the rust scabs, just take your time with the filler useing various shaped blocks to get it all perfect, it will take hours!! and i mean hours! but that is whats going to make it invisible,

here check out some of my bodywork ,http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?56705-My-vr6-Audi-door-handle/page3&highlight=audi+door+handles before this iv never realy used a welder and after all that i feel realy confident with one,confident enough to chop my doors up, i guess its like learning to write, at first your abit cock handed, so if you have the time and you want to do it then do it!


also dont use electrical tape for bodywork, it sometimes leaves a nasty glue behind, also lift the tape up on the inside edge and fold it over so when the paint hits it, it creates a soft tapered edge in the paint, rather then a step/lip which needs more sanding to get rid of, if you get me? keep it up!

Edited by VW_OwneR_85

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