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faulty alarm ctrl unit?

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I’m looking for a bit of advice please. I know my mechanical knowledge is limited but my knowledge of alarms and immobilisers (pretty much anything electrical) is considerably worse…


About 2 months ago, my windscreen cracked and knowing that there was a bit of rust on the A-pillars, I decided to take advantage of the screen being replaced and get the bodywork sorted at the same time. A fortnight ago I was due to collect the car from the bodyshop, but I got a call that morning and was asked if I’d had any problems with the central locking. Nope. (Not recently anyway. A couple of years ago, there were a handful of occasions where the remote wouldn’t unlock the car for about 5 minutes, but this seemed to sort itself out, so I haven’t thought any more about it.)


The bodyshop also said the car wouldn’t start. They said they’d checked and charged the battery (which was brand new anyway) and all was fine so they said they’d check fuses etc. I was at work so called them back at lunchtime to find that they’d called an alarm specialist out, who told them they’d spiked the alarm control unit. They said they’d found a place in Norwich with a new unit and had ordered that. Unfortunately it wasn’t the right part, and I’ve been told these parts are no longer available. They said they’ve spoken to VW who can’t help either.


They’ve also told me that the alarm fitted to my car wasn’t fitted at the factory, which tallies since I have an installation certificate showing that an aftermarket alarm was fitted, although this was done before I owned the car.



the car will start if you bypass the immobiliser, so at least I know the car will still run

the remote does not lock/unlock the car (they say they’ve checked the vacuum unit behind the rear cards and that is fine)

the specialist is convinced it’s the alarm control unit but no new ones are available


So, is it ok to fit a 2nd hand control unit? I assumed that if I did, then I’d need replacement remotes as well, but I’ve been told I don’t… In that case, I assume they’d need to be recoded, but how is that done?


The bodyshop have said they will be paying for the repair (and if necessary, a new alarm/immob) but what do I actually need? I’ve heard varying things - just the ctrl unit, the ctrl unit and remotes, and even that I should get a complete 2nd hand system. I’m now very confused and I thought what better place to ask for advice than here?!!


So, would some kind soul help me? Please!! :)

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I'd love to help but as you know, when mine went wrong I pulled it all out. I've now got a right click kit waiting to be fitted. Hope you get it sorted soon!


Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

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Hi Fay seems like very similar problem to what I am having at the moment. Have bypassed the immobiliser and car starts but the alarm want stop going off as the remotes are not disabling it. Mines a scorpion 5000 if I remember correctly. I've been trying to get a local scorpion specialist to come out but cant get hold of him. Let me know your outcome if you beat me too it. Hopefully trying to get hold of another guy today so will keep you posted to what he says.

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Hi Fay did you get sorted?


Mine is now sorted was me just being thick and not doing the resest of the fobs properly.


Hope it is though

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I've been meaning to reply to this, but have been very remiss. Sorry!


Firstly, thanks Ollie and Chris for your replies. I haven't really got anywhere with it though. I'm wondering whether I should post in the Wanted section and see what turns up.


I'm in the process of joining my local motor club and have been to a meet tonight. One guy there is a driver for VW and is going to ask a colleague to do a bit of research for me :) Very nice of him to offer to help!


Other option is to admit defeat and then the bodyshop will have to pay for a whole new alarm system. If they pay for the cost of an equivalent one, then I'd consider topping it up a bit and getting something decent. Any suggestions anyone?


Glad to hear you got yours sorted Chris. Good news! :)



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I meant to add to my post. You are welcome to any/all of the bits I stripped from my car. I'm certain it all works it was only the way the 2nd immob had been spliced in that caused my problems and I'm no good with electrics so ripping it all out was the quickest way to resolve it.


I'm now praying my dad hasn't cleared out the garage, I'll check this weekend and let you know/provide photos.


EDIT - This photo is from my thread, this is what's free if you want it, or if I still have it:



Edited by OllieVR6

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