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engine judder at low revs

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Not sure about this one - when taking off the engine tends to judder like a misfire at low revs, ie 1100 to around 1500 rpm, usually in 1st or second gear. If i give less gas then it is usually ok. I'm leaning towards the injectors as the fuel filter and sparks are new and there is no damage to the coilpack. Leads 'seem' to be ok - the spark is regular from each. Any other suggestions? I've not given it a good blast for a while (italian tuneup!), but other than that, what could be looked at?

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Always good to rule out the MAF with things like this - check the connections and a good test is to disconnect the MAF and see if it runs badly then - if it is the same then the MAF is the issue

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I would think that, if the injector(s) are at fault, then the problem would exist throughout the rev range.


I am confident that my MAF is good, so we could swap it to yours to either prove or exclude that.


Best wishes



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thanks roger - perhaps we can tie that in with the 'Basic Settings' day. IN any cse, I'll clean the MAF with some carb cleaner and see if it improves.


Daleyboy, you could be right, but it 'feels' electrical although that is not always a proper barometer. I'm not convinced it is though because surely if the fault were electrical would it not be at other speeds, loads etc? Clutch is new, btw from when i swopped to manual.

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I say that because mine is quite juddery (when i engage the clutch) and has been for a while, and im sure my input shaft bearing in the gearbox is on its way out, apparently juddering is a symptom of that.....


Mine is worse when the clutch pedal is pressed i can hear a dry/worn bearing rumble and it goes when i lift the clutch.

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Could it not be engine mounts? Obviously you would have movement all over the range, but at low revs when the engine struggles pulling away a little, I think it would be all the more obvious. I'm just speculating by the way, I've never had duff mounts so don't even know the proper symptoms of it, but it makes sense in my head!:nuts:

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