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Stealth Tax (Speeding!) Camera

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Got done by a mobile camera in a van sitting over a motorway bridge on (almost empty!) M6 near Tebay last week. 84 mph - what crap!

Anyway I intend to send back the details form unsigned. I notice the info sheet that comes with it and is in a FAQ form has the following:

Q:What If I don't sign the form?

A: You are ADVISED to sign the form as failure to do so MAY result in you having to go to court.

I thought that very interesting as they are not saying you MUST sign the form like the driver info which states you MUSTgive.

Has anyone else actually tried out this well documented loop hole?

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Someone must have already been taken to court on this matter....


Whatever the outcome of that case, the same must be followed for others.


So, if someone else has gotten away with it, I'd be inclined to use that decision as a basis for not signing it.


I know nothing about the sheet that you sign - are you signing that you were the driver? Is that a separate part? The emphasis is on the human rights of not having to say who was driving, rather than just leaving the form unsigned I believe.

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Twice my dad has got done for minoe speeding. Both times he got a letter informing him, both times he refused to pay until he saw a photo proving it was him ( as there is more than one person insured for that vehicle ), so he asked for the photo. This went on for a long time as the police said that they couldnt provide a photo until it went to court. HE still refused, eventually they gave in and sent the photo, it was that dark that it didnt show who was driving. So he replied saying that he wasnt going to pay unless they took him to court.


-- I AM NOT SAYING THIS WILL WORK -- but there has to be something to it because he has done it twice in the last year. Might be worth a go. Dont refuse to pay, just put it off until you see proof !

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What Andy said can happen but it depends on the area of the country and how hot the are on there speeding some if they meet any contention just drop it where some Lancashire and North Wales will prosacute to the full extent of the law cost ing you 2 or 3 times as much and possiblly more points.

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Looks like I'll be paying my wifes 60 quid fine from two weeks ago then. :p


I wonder if my Gangsta tint windows would make it harder to prove who the driver was, if I was to go the 'not sure can I have the photo please' route??



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they will prob do u for having gangsta tints too,, if ya ask for a pic,,,,sometimes the best thing to do is keep quiet :wink:

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As I "only" have 3 points live at the moment and they have been on for 2.5 years I may bite the bullet on this one as it looks like you need to get (ie pay) a lawyer to fill the form in on your behalf and then send it in unsigned. And if authorities start playing silly buggers you end up with lawyer’s letters flying back and fore. Would be worth it if I were sitting on 9 pts.

It’s just the whole subject of cameras that are used for revenue raising. 84 mph in any modern family car far less a well cared for "performance" car like a VR6 on an almost deserted three lane motorway is not a "safety" issue - its another tax on the motorists.

For the first time in my life - I am seriously thinking of voting Tory as they are talking about raising motorway limits and doing away with the points (except at recognised danger spots like schools) when you are caught. But then again I wouldn't trust the ba*tards the carry out their promise!

Blue Angel unit on ebay at buy it now price of £309 is very tempting!



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I made the mistake of filling in the log book too. Otherwise the ticket would have gone to the drug dealer I got the car from! :mrgreen:


I'll pay the 60quid for her and knock it off the housekeeping. :roll:



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My sister got done by exactly the same camera at tebay! Her speed was an almighty 79 mph with her being the only car on the road too! I told her not too sign the form but she didnt want any hassle and just took it on the chin, £60 + 3 points. Whats happened to the general rule of 10% + 2...... You'd think you'd be safe at anything under 80 mph in a modern car on an empty motorway.

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My mates dad is a coppa ...(tosser) quite high up in the cambs police. he was saying that they have so many people that do fill in the forms and sign them that they simply dont bother chasing up the ones that dont sign.


i got done on an empty dual carridge way at 7 in the morning last year. 88mph :mad: :mad: and that was when i was slowing down to answer my mobile

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its feckin pretty poor that even with the recent accident information collated from all the police forces that shows that speed isnt the main cause of fatalities(7th IIRC) that they still pursue this near zero-tolerance of it :evil:

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you wanna try living in north wales...the chieif cuntstable hates cars for some reason,even though he just bought his henchmen a fleet of mercs and beemers :mad:

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I'm not saying this is a good idea, but I know that the brother of a bloke I work with just throws the tickets he gets through the post away, he's not been pulled up for it yet.


And on the subject of 'safety' cameras, I have no problem with them in built up areas, near blackspot or schools etc. But I am unfortunate enough to live in Lancashire. This week yet another camera has appeared on my way to the motorway, not in a populated area, but near some industrial estates. If the idea of this was to promote safety it would have been placed to slow traffic as it approaches the turn off to one of the estates, but it hasn't it has been placed after it to catch unwary motorists and raise even more revenue.


Sorry, rant over.

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I believe the "not signing" loophole was closed in the high court about 4-6 weeks ago.

No point even trying that one any more fella... sorry



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