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Pick ya brain time again boys n girls, my C has developed a very nasty sound, whenever i stop or speed up, not stop dead just when the weight is kinda thrown back or forward, from the passanger foot well there is a very nasty sounding KLUNK, i have looked underneath and cant find anything out of place, bushes ect, and all engine mounts intact!!! any ideas???

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jack the car up and check for play on the wishbone, and on the strut towards the top (take the wheel off! ;) )could be a dead top mount or wishbone bush...


I'd place cash on it being one of these two, or an engine mount (probably gearbox if it's near the passenger footwell...) :|

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cool! but this is a VERY nasty sounding clunk! more of a bang! the top mounts, it u mean the rubber things at the top of the suspension are new i know that, but they seem loose when it is jacked up?!?! would there be any visable signs?

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the engine mounts look ok, but how can i tell? also its not when the engine is put under strain, it does it with the clutch down?? cheers lads, bit of an ongoing one this! no one can tell me whats wrong with it! mechanic that is

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First things first on stuff like this is to make ABSOLUTELY DOUBLE-CHECKED SURE that it's not just somethin smacking around in the glove box, or the shelves underneath it. The number of times I've been trying to work out what "that strange noise" is and realised it's just the phone/screwdriver/tape/bit of metal I wedged in the glove box two days earlier is just not true... In fact once I had a sound like a stone rolling around on plastic. Funnily enough, I found a stone rolling around on a plastic shelf, but it took three days to find it... :)

Assuming you've taken everything out of the car and it still makes the noise, then you're looking for suspension probs by the sounds of it - struts, top mounts, even brake caliper carriers are possibles. The only real way to tell is to get the car jacked up and stand underneath pushing and pulling things! Make sure your ball joints are ok, also checking the steering parts (track rod ends etc), then check the wishbone mounts, and move on to stuff like the steering rack!

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